Where is metabolism being accomplished in the human cell?

Module 2 – Case


Case Assignment

In the Module 2 Case Assignment you will explore bacterial growth and methods used to measure and control the growth of microbes. After you have read the information on the Home page, answer the following questions:
  1. Review the video on metabolism again from the Module Overview. Where is metabolism being accomplished in the human cell? Be specific and include a brief description of the organelle being described.  Does a human cell accomplish aerobic or anaerobic metabolism?
  2. What does the video describe as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain?
  3. Using the dichotomous key linked to the term identify, which organisms in the first frame of the video have been described in previous module materials?
Now choose a pathogenic bacterium to discuss and find the antibiotic that can be used to control it. Use this link to Antibiotic Modes of Action to learn more about how antibiotics work and to identify the appropriate antibiotic for your chosen pathogen.  Use the following format to write this section of your Case Assignment: Introduction Include the growth requirements and phenotypic characteristics of your pathogenic bacteria.  Refer to the dichotomous keys, growth patterns, and the CDC website to properly discuss these phenotypic descriptions of your pathogen. Body Paragraph 1 Is this bacteria ONLY pathogenic or does it reside as a normal part of the Human Microbiome?  If it is also a nonpathogenic resident microbe, what conditions create the pathogenic state?  (We use the term “opportunistic pathogen” to describe this type of pathogen). Body Paragraph 2 Describe the mode of action of the antibiotic class used to control this bacterium. Use the information you gathered from answering questions 1-3 about human cell metabolism to explain how antibiotics are specifically effective only against bacteria (while leaving human cells unharmed). Conclusion Summarize the topics you described and explain how the characteristics of your pathogen can be used to control it.

Assignment Expectations

Format TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and format guidelines for proper citation of references.  Use the formatting in your Background page as a model. Scholarly Content                   Your case assignments are considered scholarly works. Your final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly) sources.  Please use the formatting demonstrated in your Background section to cite the tutorials and readings from the Overview. Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as “Answers.com” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”  None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any registered user which makes them unreliable. Appropriate Headings and Paper Flow Remember that you are preparing a formal academic paper. Your paper should make use of appropriate headings and subheadings.  You should not cut and paste the questions posed and answer them like a “Question and Answer” session.  Your finished paper should read like an academic paper. Upload your final word document to the case assignment dropbox.
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