Cost and Quality. World Health Organization Statistics

Cost and Quality
World Health Organization Statistics
As you can see in the chart above, though the United States has had the highest health care expenditure in the world, the health status of the entire population has lagged behind numerous developed countries. The Affordable Care Act is aimed at promoting quality of care along with cost reduction, but health care organizations wrestle with meeting all of the challenges.
Present to your classmates a quality improvement & cost saving project that you read about in a scholarly source, addressing the following eight key questions:
What was the health care setting (hospital, clinic, nursing home, etc.)?
What were the problems/issues leading to the change project?
Who were the stakeholders involved in the project?
What was the timeframe involved in the project?
What were the financial resources allocated to the project?
What were the results on quality improvement?
What was the evidence on cost saving?
Leatt and colleagues (1997) recommended nine approaches for successful cost cutting. Which approaches are demonstrated in your case?
Use the MHA601 Library Research Guide for help with locating a scholarly source for this discussion.  Your initial post should be at least 300 words. Support your response with a minimum of two scholarly sources.
General Content/Subject Knowledge
Total: 1.30
Distinguished – Addresses all aspects of the prompt in accordance with the parameters of the discussion and demonstrates in-depth knowledge of the discussion topic.
Proficient – Addresses all aspects of the prompt in accordance with the parameters of the discussion and demonstrates knowledge of the discussion topic.
Basic – Addresses all aspects of the prompt in accordance with the parameters of the discussion and demonstrates basic knowledge of the discussion topic.
Below Expectations – Addresses all or most aspects of the prompt in accordance with the parameters of the discussion and demonstrates limited knowledge of the discussion topic.
Non-Performance – There is no initial discussion post, or the post does not address the discussion prompt at all.
Critical Thinking
Total: 1.30
Distinguished – Comprehensively explores the ideas, thoughts, and elements of the topic and provides relevant evidence and information that demonstrates all of the following as applicable to the discussion prompt: clarity, relevance, depth, breadth, use of information resources, and logic.
Proficient – Explores the ideas, thoughts, and elements of the topic and provides relevant evidence and information that demonstrates most of the following as applicable to the discussion prompt: clarity, relevance, depth, breadth, use of information resources, and logic.
Basic -Explores the ideas, thoughts, and elements of the topic and provides relevant evidence and information that demonstrates some of the following as applicable to the discussion prompt: clarity, relevance, depth, breadth, and use of information, and logic.
Below Expectations – Attempts to explore the ideas, thoughts, and elements of the topic and provide relevant evidence and information, but demonstrates few of the following as applicable to the discussion prompt: clarity, relevance, depth, breadth, use of information resources, and logic.
Non-Performance – There is no attempt to explore the ideas, thoughts, and elements of the topic and provide relevant evidence and information in either the original post or subsequent response posts within the discussion, or no post is present.
Written Communication
Total: 0.70
Distinguished – Displays clear control of syntax and mechanics. The organization of the work shows appropriate transitions and flow between sentences and paragraphs. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand.
Proficient – Displays control of syntax and mechanics. The organization of the work shows transitions and/or flow between sentences and paragraphs. Written work contains only a few errors and is mostly easy to understand.
Basic – Displays basic control of syntax and mechanics. The work is not organized with appropriate transitions and flow between sentences and paragraphs. Written work contains several errors, making it difficult to fully understand.
Below Expectations – Displays limited control of syntax or mechanics. The work does not include any transitions and does not flow easily between sentences and paragraphs. Written work contains major errors.
Non-Performance – Fails to display control of syntax or mechanics, within the original post and/or responses. Organization is also not present.
Engagement/ Participation
Total: 0.70
Distinguished – Contributes to classroom conversations with at least the minimum number of replies, all of which were thoughtful, relevant, and contributed meaningfully to the conversation. Fully engages in the conversation with appropriate topic-based responses.
Proficient – Contributes to classroom conversations with the minimum number of replies that are somewhat thoughtful, relevant, and contributed meaningfully to the conversation. Attempts to fully engage in the conversation with appropriate topic-based responses.
Basic – Contributes to the classroom conversations with the minimum number of replies. Attempts to fully engage in the conversation, but the responses are not relevant or fully aligned with the discussion topic.
Below Expectations – Attempts to contribute to the classroom conversations with fewer than the minimum number of replies; however, the replies are not thoughtful and relevant, or they do not contribute meaningfully to the conversation.
Non-Performance – There is no contribution to the discussion.