Cyber security Answers 1Bids 59Other questions 10
Your portfolio should be a 7 page Research Essay (FULL pages) and a 2-3 page Reflective Essay for a total of 9+ pages. These should be separate essays in separate word documents. Both should be submitted to the portfolio dropbox.** Because this is the end of the semester, late work will not be accepted. You may use information and sources from your previous two essays, but be sure to change your wording so you do not plagiarize yourself. Remember that using old work from other classes is also plagiarism. *The research project (semester’s work) concludes with the Research Essay. This assignment is a seven-page thesis-driven essay that answers the research question. Your goal is to propose a solution to your issue (it can solve part of the problem or the whole thing, or just make it better/improve things) supported by viable sources. It will require a minimum of five text-based sources and a maximum of seven (at least 2 scholarly) found using college-level research techniques. This essay will be submitted at the end of the term in a portfolio with a Reflective Essay. Reflective Essay: Must be 2-3 pages and entirely original other than the template. Recycling work, using essays from other students or other semesters will result in a failing grade in the course. A plagiarism number must appear when you turn in your portfolio (it should be yellow/20-30%) and in word format in order to be graded. Assignment Objectives You will complete this assignment by writing an essay that makes an original argument that answers the research question that you previously developed and researched. Your essay could 1) present your thesis statement in basic enthymematic form (claim + because + reason), 2) support the argument by synthesizing at least five sources that you have found and evaluated to be credible or otherwise worthy of attention, and 3) summarize, paraphrase, and quote from your sources adequately to complete the task. Related Student Learning Outcomes Compose argumentative or persuasive essays that demonstrate interpretation, analysis and synthesis Apply the writing process through invention, drafting, revision, and editing Design writing to meet its rhetorical situation, particularly with regard to diction, tone, and audience Locate and evaluate appropriate sources to support their claims in written essays; and Identify and choose appropriate available library resources. Document sources in MLA Style Edit essay to conform to standard written English Please avoid block quotes and be sure to carefully check that your direct quotes are correct and that your paraphrasing is fully your own words. Again, be sure to use a mix of evidence as well as direct quotes/paraphrasing. Avoid summarizing articles or ideas. Be sure to include a smart, reasonable, research-based counterargumentPurposeThe simplest explanation of this essay’s purpose is that by completing it, you will write an essay that answers your research question. Ultimately, however, the purpose of this assignment is to enter a scholarly conversation. By applying the skills in research, source evaluation, and synthesis that you have been practicing through the term, you will contribute to an existing conversation by presenting your own original argument. That argument will speak to the exiting conversation by using sources to support your argument (either as evidence, by extending or modifying your sources’ arguments, or by refuting sources’ arguments). The most important thing to remember as you work on this essay is that you cannot simply parrot the information or arguments that you find in your sources. Rather, this essay will be driven by your unique argument answering your research question. Your essay must be a persuasive argument that allows you as a young scholar to enter and contribute to the ongoing conversation on your topic. This essay is an “I” + “They” Say = “We” Say DirectionsIn short, this assignment requires you to write a thesis-driven essay that makes an argument answering your research question that cites at least five sources to support your claims and show your thesis’s relationship to the existing conversation on your topic. Complete all the required or otherwise necessary brainstorming, research, note-taking and gathering of bibliographic information that you need to prepare for drafting the essay. Follow the textbook’s suggestions to help you adequately take notes and brainstorm to prepare for writing the essay. After thorough preparation, write an essay that presents your answer to your research question. Remember to outline, draft, and revise. Your essay should have A focused introduction that introduces your topic. A thesis statement that answers your research question and takes the form of claim + because + reason. (not required) Body paragraphs that support the thesis with adequate and appropriate synthesis of at least five sources. Utilize summary, paraphrase, and quotation to show the similarities, agreements, and disagreements among your sources. Be sure to elaborate in instances that you summarize/paraphrase/quote to make the connections you draw clear to the reader, and always cite the source. A conclusion that reiterates your thesis for the reader. Be sure to include a MIX of evidence as well as a counterargument. This essay should NOT Simply summarize the sources. String together information in substitute for a sustained argument Stray too far from the topic in order to complete the assignment. Rhetorical SituationImagine for this essay that your readers are other scholars or educated readers who have significant interest in your topic and sincerely want to see what your argument is contributing to the body of knowledge on your topic. Therefore, you should write this essay in a diction that is appropriate for academic readers.Do I need a works cited page?Because you will be quoting, paraphrase, and summarizing from at least five sources, you will need to parenthetically cite your sources in the essay Please ask if you have questions regarding citation,and remember that all essays will go through the Turnitin Originality Check in the D2L Dropbox. I cannot grade essays that are not submitted to the dropbox and have plagiarism percentages. If you do not see a number/color (you’re going for 20-30%/yellow) then you must resubmit until you do. Also, please check that your essay is a full 7 pages on WORD – other apps make the essay seem longer then it is/the school computers sometimes do this as well. *Any instance of plagiarism will result in a failing grade (please see course syllabus for specific policy)If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Stop by office hours, send an email. Also, it’s a good idea to use make an appt with a librarian and to utilize the free tutoring center! bric is adapted from the ENGL 1102 Common Rubric. Excellent (A)Far exceeds the basic requirements of the assignment.Effective (B)Exceeds the basic requirements of the assignment.Adequate (C)Meets the basic requirements of the assignment.Limited (D)Attempts but does not meet the basic requirements of the assignment.Unsuccessful (F)Falls far below the basic requirements of the assignment. Argument & DevelopmentInsightful, clearly articulated central claim; evidence is specific and generously developed to show relationship to central claim; skillful use of multiple persuasive techniques.Clear central claim; evidence is developed to show relationship to central claim; successfully uses one or more persuasive techniques.Identifiable central claim; evidence is present and its relationship to the central claim is demonstrated; uses basic persuasive techniques.Central claim is vague, confusing, or changes throughout the essay; evidence is minimally developed or its relationship to the central claim is unclear; attempts to use persuasive techniques with limited success.No central claim; aim is informative or personal rather than argumentative; does not make a case based on supporting ideas and evidence. OrganizationAll paragraphs are coherently focused and demonstrate a sophisticated logical progression; the order of paragraphs is thoughtfully determined; topic sentences and transitions are clearly articulated and fluidMost paragraphs are coherently focused and have a clear logical progression; the order of paragraphs is sensibly determined; topic sentences and transitions clear are effectiveMost paragraphs are coherently focused and some express a logical progression; all paragraphs relate to the essay’s main idea; topic sentences and transitions are functionalFew paragraphs are coherently focused or express logical progressions; one or two paragraphs do not relate to the essay’s main idea; some topic sentences and transitions are misplaced or ineffectiveFew paragraphs are coherently focused or express logical progressions; few paragraphs relate to the essay’s main idea; many topic sentences and transitions are misplaced, ineffective, or missing ComprehensionAnd Use of Sources Displays clear understanding of sources with sophisticated analysis and synthesis of source texts; skillfully integrates source material to support the writer’s own argument.Displays understanding of source texts; displays analysis and synthesis of source texts; sources provide appropriate support for the writer’s own argument.Displays understanding of source texts; displays analysis or synthesis with some success; sources provide basic support for the writer’s own argument.Writing displays some misunderstanding or inappropriate use of source texts; does not adequately maintain control of sources as support for writer’s own argument.Writing displays little or no understanding of source texts or does not use sources; no distinction between writer’s and texts’ ideas; plagiarism*. Research MethodExcellent, timely and relevant sources are selected for the topic/assignment from numerous and varied academic resources available through the academic resources such as the University Library.Good sources are selected for the topic/ assignment from several academic resources available through academic resources such as the University Library.Suitable sources are selected for the topic/assignment; basic academic resources available through academic resources such as the University Library are used in the search process.Sources are inadequate for the topic/ assignment; limited academic resources used in the search process.Sources are non-academic, inappropriate for the topic/ assignment, demonstrate thoughtless Internet searching, reliance on general Internet reference sites, or are absent. Few/no resources used in the search process. Style & AudienceDiction and tone are precise, vivid, and demonstrate keen awareness of an academic audience. Sentences demonstrate control and skillful variation.Diction and tone are clear and show awareness of an academic audience. Sentences are varied and soundly constructed.Diction and tone are generally clear and appropriate for an academic audience. Sentences are soundly constructed. Diction and tone are generally inappropriate for the audience or illogical, vague, and/or repetitive. Sentences are unclear or poorly constructed.Diction and tone are inappropriate. Sentences are overly simplistic, confusing, or frequently contain major structural errors (fragments /run-ons/fused sentences). Citation and DocumentationSkillfully uses in-text citation and documentation of sources in the assigned style with no errors or few minor errors; cites all sources in Works Cited or References page. Uses in-text citation and documentation of sources in the assigned style with a few minor errors; cites all sources in Works Cited or References page.Appropriately places in-text citations; cites all sources in Works Cited or References page; some errors in style-specific format. Some source material has no in-text citation or some sources are missing from Works Cited or References page; blends citation styles; frequent errors in style-specific format.Little/no attempt at citation or documentation in any style; no in-text citations; no Works Cited or References page. * Grammar and MechanicsCarefully edited with no or very few minor errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling.Competently edited with few minor errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling.Adequately edited with minor errors in grammar, punctuation, and or spelling that interfere with style, but not clarity or meaning. Errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling and/or editing delay readers’ understanding at the sentence level.Multiple and/or serious errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling and/or editing frequently impede readers’ understanding.
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