The Perceived Needs of Bedridden and Home-bound Patients Who Live Alone and Identification of Quality of Safety and Health Conditions

The Perceived Needs of Bedridden and Home-bound Patients Who Live Alone and Identification of Quality of Safety and Health Conditions
There are numerous geriatric patients who either live alone or live with spouses who can offer very limited or no help. In cases where such patients are bedridden it is often difficult for them to access the kind of care required both as a result of their age and their condition and hence have unique needs and require specialized care to enhance their morbidity. Lack of needs awareness for such patients greatly affect the morbidity of the patients and the lack of specialized care may even be fatal. This research will seek to identify the needs of bedridden geriatric patients who either live alone or live with people who can offer very limited care.
Literature review
According to the Administration on Aging, 12 % of adults over 65 years old requires assistance regarding care and help in performing routine tasks (Walker & Lead, 2011). Further, a huge population of this people either live alone or with equally elderly spouses. Such statistics necessitates that adequate care measures be accorded bedridden geriatrics in order to enhance their morbidity. Naik et al (2010), posited a multidimensional approach for assessing the vulnerability of adults living alone. This approached can be enhanced to equally assess the vulnerability inherent in bedridden geriatrics who live alone or with spouses who can only offer limited care. For instance, the patient and spouses’ vulnerability can be measured based on their cognitive ability, available social support, and the presence of cognitive or psychiatric condition that may predispose them to harm (Naik et al., 2010).
For bedridden geriatrics, their vulnerability would be further measured by the mobility of the spouse or the mobility support available to the patient. Based on the level of vulnerability identified, the health and safety condition can be ascertained and their needs identified. In addition, factors such as the socio-economic condition of the patient and access to health care professionals have a direct positive correlation with the quality of safety and health condition of the patient. This implies that bedridden geriatric patients who are comparatively financially and socially well- off might have relatively lesser care needs compared to the geriatric patients from poor backgrounds. Further, the patients who have access to health care either through routine visits to nearby hospitals or visits by health care professionals might have lesser care needs compared to those patients who don’t have such access (Mauk, 2010).
1. To identify the economic, social and environmental factors that predisposes bedridden patients to adverse morbidity.
2. To determine the extent to which professional support addresses these risks.
3. To determine how improved care and professional support can improve outcomes for bedridden patients.
4. To determine the percentage of bedridden patients who live alone or with elderly spouses in the study area.
5. To use the findings to make recommendations on the improvements on care and support for bedridden patients.
Research questions
1. What factors predispose bedridden patients, in absence of able caregivers, to adverse morbidity?
2. Does access to professional support determine the quality of outcomes for bedridden patients?
3. Does the quality of family and community support influence the outcomes for bedridden patients?
4. Does the socio-economic status of the patients influence the quality of care?
1. Bedridden geriatrics who live alone are predisposed to factors that impede the enhancement of their morbidity.
2. Geriatric patient’s socio-economic status and access to health care will influence their health outcomes and hence their vulnerability and consequently care needs.
Mauk, K. (2010). Gerontological nursing: competencies for care. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Naik, A. D., Kunik, M. E., Cassidy, K. R., Nair, J., & Coverdale, J. (2010). Assessing safe and independent living in vulnerable older adults: perspectives of professionals who conduct home assessments. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 23(5), 614-621.
Walker, D., & Lead, P. A. (2011). Caring for our aging population and addressing alternate level of care. Report Submitted to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care. Last accessed November, 11, 2012.
1. Creating a Survey -should be done by 12/10/14 (please, send me the survey part by 12/10/14)
2. Research Proposal Paper –
3. Research Proposal Presentation –
4. Criteria for evaluation of Research Proposal –
• The purpose of the research proposal is to identify and formulate questions which arise from nursing practice and to design a research project to study the identified problem.
• Directions:
• As students, you will be evaluating yourself and your peers in relation to your contributions tithe research proposal. You and your instructor will use the following criteria to evaluate your group proposal. The proposal is a six to fifteen page paper. You need to provide a proposal outline to the faculty – classmates at the time of the presentation. Discussion about the proposal with the faculty is strongly recommended.
• One point will be subtracted if the Research Proposal Evaluation is not attached to the proposal. Criteria to be addressed in the proposal:
• Introduction (20 points)
o Clearly stated problem and purpose of the study
o Independent and dependent variables.
o Definition of terms.
o Assumptions, hypothesis or questions (depending on research type)
• Theoretical Framework (15 points)
o Description of theoretical framework to be utilized.
o Identification of concepts to be explored.