To evaluate a nursing theory consistent with your values, beliefs and nursing practice.

Using Insights to Choose Theory
Order Description
Assignment 1: “Using Insights to Choose Theory” paper. (9 points)
Purpose: To evaluate a nursing theory consistent with your values, beliefs and nursing practice.
Course objective:
1. Analyze the relationship between theory, practice and research.
Choose a middle range nursing theory that you believe resonates with your values, beliefs, and nursing practice, to analyze and consider for guiding your nursing practice.
Write a 6-8 -page paper (excluding title and reference page) following Parker and Smith’s guide for “Using Insights to Choose Theory” found in the text. Include in your discussion:
1. What nursing theory seems consistent with the values and beliefs that guide my practice?
2. What theories are consistent with my personal values and beliefs?
3. What do I hope to achieve from the use of nursing theory?
4. Given my reflection on a nursing situation, how can I use theory to support this description of my practice?
5. How can I use nursing theory to improve my practice for myself and for my patients? (Parker & Smith, 2010, p. 27)
This is a reflective assignment; however you will need to give supporting evidence for your statements.
This assignment is due according to the date posted on the Activities and Assignments Schedule. Assignments turned in late without previous approval or notification will receive a 10-percentage deduction for every day the assignment is late. See rubric for the assignment.
NOw these are professor recommendations how she would like the paper:
1. Paper format (i.e. You can modify as you desire. You may want to incorporate the discussed information to aid in topic discussion clarity.)
• Introduction – Speak to the topic you selected. Include literature to support the topic rationale. Explain the purpose for the paper. For example, “This paper will address the following topicsL (1)…… (2)….., etc). Remember to elaborate on the topic of interest throughout the paper. The introduction provides you with an opportunity to capture your reader’s attention by indicating what the paper will be about and how you will be describing something or arguing a point. Begin your introduction with an attention grabber (i.e. summary information, anecdote, or starting information). If the attention grabber is only a sentence or two, add one or two more sentences that will lead the reader from your opening to your problem statement or interest statement. Usually a statement at the end of your introductory paragraph delineates your paper, such as: This paper is about/will show (add your paper’s main points); will suffice.
2. Body comments (Background )
• Do not use one-sentence paragraphs
• Elaborate by quoting (APA only) authoritative sources, paraphrase scholar publications or give an analogy.
• Well-constructed paragraphs will help you to attain clarity at the sentence level. A paragraph is a short collection of sentences dealing with a single idea. Each sentence in a paragraph should serve to promote the main idea by saying more about it, illustrating it, or summing it up. A well-written paragraph has unity, because it is about one idea, and order, because the sentences are arranged in a way that logically develops the topic of the paragraph. The acronym SEES may help you write a better paragraph. S = Short sentence that states the main idea. E = Explanation of the main idea in more detail. E = Example or quotation given to illustrate the main idea. S = Sum up the main idea in a way that leads on to the next paragraph.
• Sum up the main idea in a way that leads on to the next paragraph. You should strengthen the paragraph’s final sentence as it draws together your thinking by relating it back to the paragraph’s topic sentence.
• You may wish to incorporate additional citations than what’s recommended for topic clarity (i.e. not required, recommended).
• Watch for lengthy sentences. Break up your sentences into two sentences for greater clarity.
• Provided stats to support your topic of interest (i.e. CDC, NIH, etc.)
• Evaluate if your research or topic has been applied to your area of interest and elaborate.
• Incorporate if applicable Healthy People 2020. Especially, if you are speaking to outcome measures in research (i.e. recommendation, optional).
3. Problem Statement
• What’s the rationale for this topic of interest?
• How does affect the hospital, community, patient outcome, practice, etc.?
• Elaborate on the problem significance in relations to others if applicable.
4. Literature Revies
• Is there literature to support your topic of interest?
• Incorporate if possible literature that has been applied to your area and others.
• You can use more than the A&A guidelines requested (5 citations). Use literature to best explain your area of interest.
• Allow the literature to be within the last 10 years. No literature greater than 10 years.
• Refer to the 6th edition APA manual for best written citations. Be care with missing APA citation fwith quote.
5. Workplace Application
• How can the topic of interest be applied to your workplace?
• Do your workplace have a vision or mission statement that incorporate your topic of interest?
• Can you hospitals general vision and mission statement reflected of your unit vision or mission?
• Provide examples, for instance: “The large Metropolitan hospital services underserved populations of high risk diabetics. Three-thirds of the patients represents both male and female over 50 years of age. The hospitals vision and mission enhances community engagement thru patient education, web-based initiatives, home health visitation, family-driven insight, etc. These components are based on the “Patient-relationship” theory or concept. Etc.”
• Incorporate the area of your expertise to enhance the topic concept and your selection of it.
6. Professional Collaboration Through Practice Outcomes
• The paper has identified the significants of professional engagement, theorical understanding, research support, etc. You can select the significants that fit your topic or write another.
• What contribution has or can you provide as an APRN? If applicable.
• Does your professional vision and mission fit the institutions? (if applicable)
7. Conclusion
• You can benefit from a stronger conclusion. A paper’s conclusion should return to the main idea and summarize it. Then summarize the main points of each paragraph. Simply review the main points (being careful not to restate them exactly). Subsequently, making a final point for the reader to think about.
Order Description
Assignment 1: “Using Insights to Choose Theory” paper. (9 points)
Purpose: To evaluate a nursing theory consistent with your values, beliefs and nursing practice.
Course objective:
1. Analyze the relationship between theory, practice and research.
Choose a middle range nursing theory that you believe resonates with your values, beliefs, and nursing practice, to analyze and consider for guiding your nursing practice.
Write a 6-8 -page paper (excluding title and reference page) following Parker and Smith’s guide for “Using Insights to Choose Theory” found in the text. Include in your discussion:
1. What nursing theory seems consistent with the values and beliefs that guide my practice?
2. What theories are consistent with my personal values and beliefs?
3. What do I hope to achieve from the use of nursing theory?
4. Given my reflection on a nursing situation, how can I use theory to support this description of my practice?
5. How can I use nursing theory to improve my practice for myself and for my patients? (Parker & Smith, 2010, p. 27)
This is a reflective assignment; however you will need to give supporting evidence for your statements.
This assignment is due according to the date posted on the Activities and Assignments Schedule. Assignments turned in late without previous approval or notification will receive a 10-percentage deduction for every day the assignment is late. See rubric for the assignment.
NOw these are professor recommendations how she would like the paper:
1. Paper format (i.e. You can modify as you desire. You may want to incorporate the discussed information to aid in topic discussion clarity.)
• Introduction – Speak to the topic you selected. Include literature to support the topic rationale. Explain the purpose for the paper. For example, “This paper will address the following topicsL (1)…… (2)….., etc). Remember to elaborate on the topic of interest throughout the paper. The introduction provides you with an opportunity to capture your reader’s attention by indicating what the paper will be about and how you will be describing something or arguing a point. Begin your introduction with an attention grabber (i.e. summary information, anecdote, or starting information). If the attention grabber is only a sentence or two, add one or two more sentences that will lead the reader from your opening to your problem statement or interest statement. Usually a statement at the end of your introductory paragraph delineates your paper, such as: This paper is about/will show (add your paper’s main points); will suffice.
2. Body comments (Background )
• Do not use one-sentence paragraphs
• Elaborate by quoting (APA only) authoritative sources, paraphrase scholar publications or give an analogy.
• Well-constructed paragraphs will help you to attain clarity at the sentence level. A paragraph is a short collection of sentences dealing with a single idea. Each sentence in a paragraph should serve to promote the main idea by saying more about it, illustrating it, or summing it up. A well-written paragraph has unity, because it is about one idea, and order, because the sentences are arranged in a way that logically develops the topic of the paragraph. The acronym SEES may help you write a better paragraph. S = Short sentence that states the main idea. E = Explanation of the main idea in more detail. E = Example or quotation given to illustrate the main idea. S = Sum up the main idea in a way that leads on to the next paragraph.
• Sum up the main idea in a way that leads on to the next paragraph. You should strengthen the paragraph’s final sentence as it draws together your thinking by relating it back to the paragraph’s topic sentence.
• You may wish to incorporate additional citations than what’s recommended for topic clarity (i.e. not required, recommended).
• Watch for lengthy sentences. Break up your sentences into two sentences for greater clarity.
• Provided stats to support your topic of interest (i.e. CDC, NIH, etc.)
• Evaluate if your research or topic has been applied to your area of interest and elaborate.
• Incorporate if applicable Healthy People 2020. Especially, if you are speaking to outcome measures in research (i.e. recommendation, optional).
3. Problem Statement
• What’s the rationale for this topic of interest?
• How does affect the hospital, community, patient outcome, practice, etc.?
• Elaborate on the problem significance in relations to others if applicable.
4. Literature Revies
• Is there literature to support your topic of interest?
• Incorporate if possible literature that has been applied to your area and others.
• You can use more than the A&A guidelines requested (5 citations). Use literature to best explain your area of interest.
• Allow the literature to be within the last 10 years. No literature greater than 10 years.
• Refer to the 6th edition APA manual for best written citations. Be care with missing APA citation fwith quote.
5. Workplace Application
• How can the topic of interest be applied to your workplace?
• Do your workplace have a vision or mission statement that incorporate your topic of interest?
• Can you hospitals general vision and mission statement reflected of your unit vision or mission?
• Provide examples, for instance: “The large Metropolitan hospital services underserved populations of high risk diabetics. Three-thirds of the patients represents both male and female over 50 years of age. The hospitals vision and mission enhances community engagement thru patient education, web-based initiatives, home health visitation, family-driven insight, etc. These components are based on the “Patient-relationship” theory or concept. Etc.”
• Incorporate the area of your expertise to enhance the topic concept and your selection of it.
6. Professional Collaboration Through Practice Outcomes
• The paper has identified the significants of professional engagement, theorical understanding, research support, etc. You can select the significants that fit your topic or write another.
• What contribution has or can you provide as an APRN? If applicable.
• Does your professional vision and mission fit the institutions? (if applicable)
7. Conclusion
• You can benefit from a stronger conclusion. A paper’s conclusion should return to the main idea and summarize it. Then summarize the main points of each paragraph. Simply review the main points (being careful not to restate them exactly). Subsequently, making a final point for the reader to think about.