David Hockney: A Different Perspective Reflection

Submit a 600-750 word (approximately one page) short analysis (aka “tiny” paper), in which you examine and discuss the photographic “joiners” of contemporary artist David Hockney. This format requires you to condense your ideas and focus only on those that are directly relevant to the topic.

Reflect on the reasoning behind Hockney’s approach to making joiners and how they change our experience of seeing. As you reflect, select one of the joiner images (link below) and compare it with The School of Athens by Raphael. Be sure to include direct references to specific areas of the image you select and discuss.
Address the following:

How is the execution of a joiner is similar to or different from the way a painter makes a painting using brush and paints?
How is perspective in a joiner very different from that in a traditional painting, such as The School of Athens, by Raphael, below?
How does this approach impact the way a viewer experiences time in the image?

Sample Solution

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