Poetry Essay on Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening By Robert Frost

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (Robert Frost) (1874-1963)
Frost, Robert. ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.” Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound and Sense. 13th ed., edited by Greg Johnson and Thomas R. Arp, Cengage, 2018, p. 852.
Consider some (not all) of the following questions for the poem -What is or are the theme(s) of the poem? -Is there a literal setting or situation in the poem? -What lines from the poem tell the reader this information? -What details does the author include? -Is the setting symbolic? -How would you describe the mood of the poem? -What elements contribute to this mood? -Is the title significant to the poem’s content or meaning? How? -What major literary devices and figures of speech does the poet use to communicate the theme(s)? -How are rhyme and other metrical devices used in the poem? -Do they support the poem’s overall meaning? Why or why not? -Is the identity of the poem’s narrator clear? -How would you describe this person? -What information, if any, does the author provide about the narrator? -Does the narrator seem to have a certain opinion of or attitude (tone) about the poem’s subject matter? How can you tell?

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