Compare and contrast the procedures of a lumber puncture and an epidural.

Please answer the questions like you were explaining to somebody who does not know anything about anatomy.
Please cite your work for any reference source you utilize in answering these questions.
1. Compare and contrast the lobes of the cerebrum specifically their overall function and location.
2. Compare and contrast Wernicke’s area and Broca’s area, specifically the location, function and dysfunction that would occur with damage to that region.
3. Explain the role of the cerebellum in normal skeletal muscle movement.
4. The limbic system is a diffuse network of structures in the brain. In your own words, what is the overall function of the limbic system? What role do the following regions of the brain have: thalamus, hypothalamus and hippocampus and amygdala?
5. In your own words, explain the flow/movement of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) in the CNS. What are the functions of the CSF?
6. Describe at least two interesting experiences/knowledge gained from the sheep brain dissection.
7. Compare and contrast the spinothalamic spinal cord tract and the corticospinal tract along with the complications that could occur if any damage occurs with them.
8. Briefly explain the role of the meninges and the three layers that it is composed of. Compare and contrast the procedures of a lumber puncture and an epidural.
9. In your own words, describe the role and significance of the blood brain barrier. What are some “items” that can pass easily through it? What are some “items” that cannot pass through it?
10. In your own words, how would you describe the function and role of the spinal cord? What function does the grey and white matter have in the spinal cord? What role do spinal tracts have within the spinal cord? Lastly, what’s the difference between the terms- ipsilateral and contralateral regarding the spinal cord?