Vignette Analysis I

keep your responses focused on what is presented in the  vignettes. Do not add information but use your creativity to support  what you see in the vignettes as written.  Avoid elaborations and  assumptions. This assignment MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style,  and must be written at graduate-level English.
Use the reading assignments thoroughly in an integrative discussion.  Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text author. You  should be doing this often in your responses. If you use outside resources, they should support the text information, but not replace the text.
You are encouraged to use the DSM-5 Level 2 Assessment Measure(s) to formulate your diagnosis:
All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical  considerations, as well as issues of culture and human diversity that  may pertain to the vignettes below.  Legal and Ethical information  is in Chapter 16 of the course text. Cultural information is covered  throughout the course text and DSM 5. You may use alternative cultural  resources to enhance your work.
Your assignment should be 3-4 pages plus a title and reference page.
Steven is a 28 year old male. His father was  African-American and his mother was Hispanic-American. Steven grew up in  East Los Angeles where gang activity was prominent. The oldest of 3  boys, Steven spent most of his childhood looking out for his 2 younger  brothers. Both parents were alcoholics and “disinterested in us kids”.   At age 19, Steven moved by himself to a major East Coast city where he  attended college and is doing well as an architect.  He is currently  married to a woman he met in college. The couple is expecting their  first child.
Steven comes to therapy upon the suggestion of his  primary care physician due to chronic worry, anticipation of failure and  fear that he will not be able to financially care for his wife and new  baby, in spite of his lucrative and successful career. He also has  ruminative thoughts, that that he is a facade and that, “people will  find out who I really am.”
Steven tells you that lately he has gotten dizzy when  driving on the highway and recently experienced the inability to breathe  when at the mall with his wife.  He also tells you that sometimes when  he closes his eyes, he sees his parents “beating each other up and can  hear them screaming.”  He also discloses that sometimes he wakes up at  night with clenched fists and feels like that scared little boy all over  again. Lately he has been unable to leave the house without making sure  the door is locked several times and avoids odd numbered streets on the  way to work.
1. Formulate a Differential Diagnosis for Steven.  What comorbid  disorders might you see?  Support your ideas by discussing what you see  in the vignette utilizing your course readings thoroughly in your diagnostic formulation.  What information would you look for to confirm your diagnostic impression and why?
2. Choose two (2) theoretical models to explain Steven’s clinical  presentation and suggested treatment modalities.  Support your ideas by  discussing the models directly and specifically to Steven.
(Remember to consider culture, law and ethics when diagnosing and treating)
Assignment Outcomes:
Analyze the physical, cognitive, social and personality aspects of abnormal psychology and implications across the life span
Examine the major diagnostic domains and specific criteria associated with DSM-5 disorders.
Evaluate legal and ethical issues in mental health treatment
Develop an awareness of diversity and cross-cultural perspectives in abnormal psychology.
Explore available treatment and interdisciplinary services for community members experiencing mental health disorders.
Identify the barriers associated with seeking and receiving therapeutic services.