Organic chemistry

mead.How many stereoisomers does theremdesivir molecule have,including the biologically activestereoisomer?25 = 32. The (R,R) stereoisomer of tartaric acid has aspecific optical rotationoptical rotations of:of + 12.7 degrees. What are the specifica) The (S,S) stereoisomer of tartaric – |27acid?b) The meso stereoisomer of tartaricacid?O8. Under the proper conditions, S-2-bromopentane canbe made toundergo either an S 1 reaction or an S,2reaction. What willbe the stereochemistry of the major product- R, S, or a racemicmixture – when this compound undergoes:a) an S 1 reaction? racemic(b) anS 2 reaction ? inverted stersomer ofthe reactantR ?19.State two reasonsWhich of the following is the best nucleophile? strong bases bestfor your choice.CHOH CH,SHCHO CHS- sulfur has less electronegativity than 0- share elections easies10.more basic – smaller atom, higher election density, betterWhat is the IUPAC name of the major organicproduct of the reactionhudrogen bondthat occurs when 2-bromo-3-methylbutanereacts with KOH?2 – methylbut – 2-ene?2 methylbutene oror372 – methyl – 2 butanol2- methul 2- butene