How do you Calculate equilibrium concentration of FeSCN2+complex?

Part 1: Determination of an equilibrium constant at room temperatureThe reaction in consideration is an equilibrium reactionFe3+(aq). + SCN”(aq) = FeSCN2+(aq)(colorless) (colorless)(Blood Red)For this experiment, a colorless 2.0 x10-3 M aqueous solution of Iron (III) nitrate (Fe(NO3)3) (colorless) was mixed with a 2.0 x10-3 M colorless solution of potassium thiocyanate (KSCN) which results in the formation of FeSCN2+ (blood red in color). Note thereaction is in equilibrium. The purpose of this experiment is to find the equilibrium constant.In this experiment, different combinations of Fest and SCN” were made as shown in the table. The solutions were allowed to settle for 5 min, assuming after 5 min the reaction has achieved equilibrium. At equilibrium, the absorbance of each solution was checkedusing a micro lab instrument. The data was collected at 425 nm. With the absorbance value concentration of FeSCNZ complex can be determined (Beer’s law).A = &. b. c. Where, & = Molar absorptivity ; b = path length; c = concentrationSince path length is constant considering the same cuvette was used to check absorbance. Therefore, the above equation can be written asA = & . CThe value of “&” is given in lab handout.Use the following dataSample IDTotal Volume (mL)Abs @ 425 nmTrial 14 mL Fe 3+ 5 mL SCN-91.22Trial 26 ml Fe3+ and 4 ml SCN-101.18Trial 38 mL Fe3+ and 2 ml SCN-100.89