Analysis on security models.

In this exerciseyou will explore a security model.All of them will provide a better understanding of how security enters into computer architectures and operating system design. Choose one of the models below providing a minimum of 3 pages (not including the title page, abstract and reference page): History of the model, How is the model implemented, what are the known barriers, how to bypass barriers and other pertinentinformation.

  • Trusted computing base
  • State machine model
  • Information flow model
  • Noninterference model
  • Take-Grant model
  • Access control matrix
  • Bell-LaPadula model
  • Biba model
  • Clark-Wilson model
  • Brewer and Nash model (also known as Chinese Wall)
  • Goguen-Meseguer model
  • Sutherland model
  • Graham-Denning model


Must be in APA

3-page Minimum

In-text citations