Daniel Pink’s theory of success work
In Drive, Daniel Pink argues that autonomy, mastery, and purpose motivate people more than external
rewards or punishments. What is your take on his argument? Perhaps some brainstorming questions may
help you to get started:
- Does Daniel Pink’s theory of success work when one of the elements (Autonomy, Mastery, and/or
Purpose) is taken out? Consider some of the ideas presented by your peers on the discussion board.
- To what degree are children – who may be young, inexperienced, and unmotivated – influenced by
autonomy or other intrinsic motivations? Can autonomy lead them to the right choices? How much
autonomy should they have over their education? At home?
- Examine the role of purpose in achieving success. You might consider whether a person can be
successful without intrinsic purpose or when or how it develops.
- Consider Pink’s theories from a social perspective. How does society play into autonomy, mastery,
and/or purpose?
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