Types of Volcanoes.

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: Types of Volcanoes. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Part of the reason why people have these impressions are that some volcanoes do act in this way to some extent and Hollywood has done a good job of dramatizing these kinds of events without really explaining why the volcanoes do what they do. By retaining some of the mystery, the planet is given a mysterious quality that also helps to build the suspense of a film. At the same time, these are not necessarily true portrayals of what volcanoes do. There are several different types of volcanoes on our planet. the three major categories they fall into are the composite volcanoes (also called stratovolcanoes), shield volcanoes and cinder cone volcanoes. Each one of these has its own distinct shape, its own form of operation, and its own type of output. It is the output and the type of material it releases that designates the type of volcano it is and that dictates the shape of the mountain it forms. While volcanoes still remain largely unpredictable even in the modern age, new technology has been developed that allows scientists to predict with greater and greater accuracy when a mountain is about to erupt and thus save potentially thousands of lives. However, since science is new and not specific to the minute, it is still often mistrusted. The purpose of this paper is to explain what each of these types of volcanoes is by providing a discussion of real-world examples and comparing them to the other types in hopes of developing a more realistic sense of the planet’s major dynamic forces.

The stratovolcano is perhaps the most popular type of volcano in the typical person’s imagination because this is the most dramatic and usually presents itself in the classical cone shape. “A stratovolcano has steep sides with a distinguishing cone shape and is frequently composed of several different vents that erupt lava, sometimes in different ways” (Keller, 2010). A live example of a stratovolcano is the Mayon Volcano in the Philippines.&nbsp.

This volcano is a part of the so-called Ring of Fire that surrounds the Pacific Ocean and marks areas of subduction of the oceanic plates.&nbsp. The Phillippine Islands lie at a point where at least three different plates are colliding.&nbsp. These are the Eurasian continental plate, the South China Sea plate, and the Phillippine plate (American Museum, 2006).&nbsp. The plate that the mountain sits on is actually a fourth plate, a microplate, that is being squeezed out of existence.&nbsp. What makes the Mayon Volcano active is the pressure from the Phillippine Plate as it sinks beneath the microplate and the Eurasian plate in what is called the Bicol Arc (American Museum, 2006).&nbsp.