write an article on historical information for minicomputer

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on historical information for minicomputer Paper must be at least 750 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Historical Information about Minicomputers Before going into the discussion regarding different facts related to minicomputers, let us get a better understanding of what minicomputer actually is. Tatum (n.d.) states, “Minicomputers are computers that are somewhere in between a microcomputer and a mainframe computer”. Minicomputers gained popularity in the 1960s when computer engineers designed 12-bit machine from DEC, which was relatively low cost and small as compared to competitors. Small business owners, who did not have enough money to buy mainframes, used minicomputers because at that time minicomputers had the ability to perform somewhat similar tasks as mainframes could do and at relatively low cost. In recent history, minicomputers have been in use as servers of large networks. Thompson (n.d.) asserts, “Many servers operate under the same concept because programs are used to store and manipulate data much like mini computers do”. Some of the main tasks performed by minicomputers include word processing, internet browsing, database management, spreadsheet calculations, playing music and video games, and editing photographs (Carpenter, n.d.). Having discussed some history and usage of minicomputers, let us now discuss some important facts related to the minicomputers. A. Standalone System One of the main points regarding minicomputers is that they are generally standalone systems. Carpenter (n.d.) asserts, “Minicomputers, often called midrange servers, are standalone computer systems supporting more than one terminal or workstation”. Standalone systems provide many benefits to the users. These standalone systems provide facility to the users to perform big functions at a low cost. Another benefit of having a minicomputer is its inherent flexibility in performing different kinds of functions. Decentralized Computing “Databases could be operated in either centralized or distributed computing environment” (Umezurike, 2009). Decentralized computing refers to the concept of allocating all hardware and software resources to autonomous computers that perform a common task instead of giving all controls to a remote centralized location as in case of centralized computing. Decentralized computing is a modernized form of computing in which all computer systems have the ability to perform different functions independently. “Distributed computing utilizes a network of many computers, each accomplishing a portion of an overall task” (McGuigan, n.d.). Some of the main benefits of decentralized systems include greater capacity, availability of resources, and reduced communication costs. Thin Client Computing Thin client computing, which is also termed as server-based computing, refers to the computer systems, which rely on servers to perform all tasks. “A thin client is a computer that functions mainly as a terminal” (Dimapasok, 2011). Thin client computers only act as interface while the servers are there to do all work. Peterson (2011) states, “A thin client is unable to perform many functions on its own”. Thin client computing is very cost effective because it is only used for display purposes and for operating keyboard and mouse while the servers do the main work. Some of the main benefits of thin client computing include lower cost of ownership and maintenance, remote access to different applications, high reliability, better data security, and simplified use. Smith (2005) states, “Thin client computing can be a great way to stretch limited computing budgets and simplify system administration headaches” (p. 272). B. Security Privacy Privacy is one of the main issues for any individual doing any kind of work on a computer. One can maintain privacy by setting difficult passwords on the windows so that other people cannot use the computer. Disclosure of Data Disclosure of data is the voluntary sharing of some information under certain circumstances. For example, employees disclose some information on application letters as requested by the employers. Data Access Data access is the activity, which is related to retrieving of data stored in the database. One needs to apply proper mechanisms to authorize only relevant people to access data in order to ensure optimum security. Secure Data Deletion Secure data deletion is a method to delete sensitive data securely. For windows, PGP Desktop and Heidi Eraser can be used to delete the data securely. Key Management Key management is the collection of procedures involved in generation, storage, and replacement of encryption keys. Appropriate key management mechanisms are very necessary for maintaining the security of cryptosystem. Audit Rights Audit right enables separate accountings of similar transactions. With this clause in a contract, a person becomes able to crosscheck any specific record. C. Security Protection Security protection is a big concern for every individual. Let us discuss government policies and privacy protection, which are two factors of security protection. Government Regulation/Policies and Privacy Protection It is the responsibility of every government to make policies to ensure protection of personal data. The Data Protection Act 1998 is a United Kingdom government’s law, which is related to the secure processing of data. The Act requires all companies and people to protect important information by avoiding unnecessary disclosure of information. References Carpenter, J. (n.d.). Microcomputer Vs. Minicomputer. Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/about_5521633_microcomputer-vs-minicomputer.html Dimapasok, J. (2011). A Thin Client – Fat On Features. Retrieved from http://ezinearticles.com/?A-Thin-Client—Fat-On-Features&id=6038434 McGuigan, B. (n.d.). What is Distributed Computing?. Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-distributed-computing.htm Petersen, J. (2011). What is a Thin Client?. Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-thin-client.htm Smith, R. (2005). Linux in a Windows World. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc. Tatum, M. (n.d.). What is a Minicomputer?. Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-minicomputer.htm Thompson, G. (n.d.). What Are Mini Computers?. Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/facts_5120528_mini-computers.html Umezurike, A. (2009). Centralized Versus Distributed Computing in Organizations. Retrieved from http://ezinearticles.