Identification of a Contemporary Management Issue

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Identification of a Contemporary Management Issue. It’s mentioned that Herzberg related need satisfaction to job conditions: job content and job context. where the job content factor has specifically identified motivators (Martires & Fule, 2010, p. 15). The aim of the current discourse is to determine a lack of job satisfaction and motivation as a contemporary management issue through the use of current events that were published on the subject. Identification of a Contemporary Management Issue In an article entitled “10 factors creating job satisfaction: what motivates now?” written by Spicer (2010) and published online in the Bradford University School of Management, the author actually delved into a closer evaluation of factors which apparently have been perceived as contributory to motivation. The author sought the participation of an original number of 268 managers across the UK and Europe. As disclosed, there were “10 longstanding factors that research identifies as significant in influencing people’s motivation” (Spicer, 2010, par. 2). The factors were clearly enumerated and presented as Table 1, below: Table 1. Ten Longstanding Factors that Significantly Influence Motivation Factor 2010 2008 Interesting work 1 1 Job security 2 6 Full appreciation of work done 3 4 Good wages 4 2 Promotion and growth in the organization 5 3 Personal or company loyalty to employees 6 7 Feelings of being in on things 7 8 Tactful discipline 8 9 Good working conditions 9 5 Sympathetic help with personal problems 10 10 Source: Spicer, 2010 From the study, it was revealed that the factors most regarded as contributory to job satisfaction in 2010 were: interesting work, job security, and appreciation for work well done (Spicer, 2010). The top factor in 2008 was similar: interesting work, followed by good wages, as well as promotions and growth in the organization (Spicer, 2010). As published in Employee Benefits, “motivating employees is vital if employers are to achieve maximum performance and productivity. There are a wide variety of methods available for motivating staff, at prices to suit all budgets. These range from recognizing employees’ achievements by simply saying ‘thank you’ to more complex schemes which combine set targets with fixed rewards” (Employee Benefits, 2006, par. 1). This is consistent with Spicer’s findings that acknowledged appreciation for work as a significant motivating factor that contributes to job satisfaction. Concurrently, in another study that aimed to determine the level of motivation and job satisfaction among employees of KFC, UK, the author disclosed that “non­financial&nbsp.factors&nbsp.have a&nbsp.significantly&nbsp.higher&nbsp.impact&nbsp.on&nbsp.the&nbsp.employee’s&nbsp.motivation than the financial factors…(and that) &nbsp.the& concluded&nbsp.that&nbsp.the&nbsp.employees&nbsp.working& adequately motivated, though&nbsp.a&nbsp.significant&nbsp.difference&nbsp.of&nbsp.level of motivation was noticed among gender, different age groups, working status, working position and length of employment&nbsp.comparison” (Hossain & Hossain, 2012, p. 21). The study written by Adeyemi and Ositoye (2010) supported the theoretical frameworks on motivation as originally published by Maslow (1954), Koontz, O’Donnel and Weintzrizh (1980) which asserted that “what really matters in boosting employee productivity or output is not the kind of motivation that is employed but the extent to which the employee is being truly motivated by any chosen method. .. (And) the ability of the employer to identify employee&nbsp.needs and to attend to them adequately is what determines adequate motivation and corresponding productivity”.&nbsp.