Entries by admin

Explain the benefits of exercise and proper nutrition

State the age/stage of children your ideas are best suited for. Explain the benefits of exercise and proper nutrition, and the positive impact each has on learning. Support your explanation with at least one scholarly resource. Describe at least two ways you will encourage development of gross motor skills for this age group on a […]

Should health care be tied to employment or not?

Discuss access to healthcare. Should health care be tied to employment or not? Is healthcare a right or responsibility? How does healthy versus unhealthy citizens impact society as a whole? Find 1 peer reviewed article to support your discussion of access to care. What information in this article supports access to healthcare? A article needs […]

Discuss the impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA) on access to quality care and disparities in underserved populations in the US

Healthcare has always been in a constant state of flux, accelerating in the last two decades due to increasing costs, limited access to care and demands for quality. The paper is a scholarly discussion of forces that drive healthcare today, how health policies shape our healthcare system and the global healthcare environment, and your personal […]