What would happen to plates poured with agar that is too hot?


BIO2071_Microbiology Laboratory Review Sheet Week 2 Exercise 8 Questions 1. Define a culture medium. 2. Discuss some of the physical and chemical factors involved in the composition, and in the preparation, of a culture medium.

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BIO2071_Microbiology Laboratory Review Sheet Week 2 Exercise 8 Questions 1. Define a culture medium. 2. Discuss some of the physical and chemical factors involved in the composition, and in the preparation, of a culture medium. Nutrient ingredients: ___________________________________________________________ ___________ pH and buffering: ___________________________________________________________ ___________ Heat (to reconstitute): ___________________________________________________________ ___________ Heat (to sterilize): ___________________________________________________________ ____________ Other: ___________________________________________________________ ____________ 3. At what temperature does agar solidify? ________________________________________________________________ _____________ Page 1 of 5 From Laboratory Manual & Workbook in Microbiology Applications to Patient Care (9th ed.). By Josephine A. Morello, Helen Eckel Mizer, and Paul A. Granato Copyright Š 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Reprinted with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
BIO2071_Microbiology Laboratory At what temperature does agar melt? ________________________________________________________________ _____________ 4. What would happen to plates poured with agar that is too hot? ________________________________________________________________ _____________ Could they be used? ________________________________________________________________ _____________ 5. What would happen to plates poured with agar that is too cool? ________________________________________________________________ _____________ Could they be used? ________________________________________________________________ _____________ 6. Why are culture media sterilized before use? 7. Discuss the relative value of broth and agar media in isolating bacteria from mixed cultures. 8. Are nutrient broths and agars, as you have prepared them, suitable for supporting growth of all microorganisms pathogenic for humans?…

Identify and describe a recent change occurring in your workplace


See attachment for details regarding this assignment , it is important that the similarity scores stay below 15% this is critical for the Contemporary Nusing assignment . Detail explanations must be giving and APOA format must be implore for both documents .

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SECTION AStep 1: Write 3-4 sentences answering the following questions:Identify and describe a recent change occurring in your workplace. It could be a change in the levels of staffing, a change in policy, such as time off or tuition reimbursement, a change in use of equipment or supplies, a change in charting/computerized medical records, etc. Describe the change in 4 sentences. 1 of the sentences should address the rationale for the change. Step 2: Begin researching scholarly articles for the past five years related to the change issue identified in Step 1. Complete a 6 columns table of the references found including the following: Author Last name, First Initial (year)Title of article.Title Of Publication,Volume # (Issue #)pages of the article. Submit the Reference List Table to your instructor through the “course assignment area”. A minimum of (6) scholarly references are needed to complete this assignments- you may find more. SAMPLEChange Issue: Low census staffing policy.Currently, staff go home when the patient census is low based on tenure, so that the same staff are continually going home resulting in a lower paychecks for these nurses. The proposed change is to rotate all staff to leave when the census is low, regardless of tenure so the burden of potentially lower pay is shared among the entire staff, and not the same few.Author Last Name, First Initial.(Year).Title of Article.Title of Publication,Volume #(Issue #),Pages.1. Smith, A.(2011).Low census staffing: Making it fair.Journal of Scholarly Affairs,1(4),110-113.SECTION BWritten communications in nursing incorporates the use of evidence or research published in the literature from scholarly references. Scholarly references are defined as work which is peer reviewed and published in a professional journal. For example, any of the literature in the Library, would be considered scholarly references. Using published research to support the viewpoint of nursing, especially in cases being made for change,…

Discuss the three major species of Staphylococcus


Explain what is meant by “indicator” organisms when testing a water sample. What are the media used to determine the presence of the indicator organisms? What are the morphological and biochemical characteristics of these indicator organisms?Discuss the three major species of Staphylococcus. Explain why one of them is more pathogenic compared to the other two species. Which factor determines the pathogenesis of the organisms?

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BIO2071_Microbiology Laboratory Review Sheet Week 10 Exercise 11 Questions 1. In what areas of the hospital must the numbers of microorganisms in the environment be strictly reduced to the minimum? 2. Why do microbiologists wear laboratory coats? Did you confirm that this is necessary? 3. Why is it necessary to wear clean, protective clothing when caring for a patient? 4. Why should hair be kept clean and out of the way when caring for patients? 5. How can the number of microorganisms in the environment be controlled? 6. When and why is hand washing important in patient care? 7. How can those who care for patients avoid spreading microorganisms among them? Exercise 20.1 and 20.2 Questions 1. Differentiate the microscopic morphology of staphylococci and streptococci as seen by Gram stain. 2. What are the two types of staphylococcal coagulase? 3. What is protein A? Describe one method of detecting it. 4. What properties of S. aureus distinguish it from S. epidermidis and S. saprophyticus? 5. How is S. saprophyticus distinguished from S. epidermidis? 6. From what specimen type would S. saprophyticus most likely be isolated? 7. What is a nosocomial infection? Who acquires it? Why? 8. Why are staphylococcal infections frequent among hospital patients? 9. Describe the role played by S. aureus in human infectious diseases. Page 1 of 2 From Laboratory Manual & Workbook in Microbiology Applications to Patient Care (9th ed.). By Josephine A. Morello, Helen Eckel Mizer, and Paul A. Granato Copyright © 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Reprinted with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
BIO2071_Microbiology Laboratory Exercise 34 Questions 1. What is the bacteriologic standard for potable water? 2. Why is bacteriologic analysis of water directed at recognition of coliforms and enterococci rather than isolation of pathogenic bacteria? 3. Define presumptive, confirmed, and completed tests of water. 4. Why must positive presumptive tests of water be confirmed?

Explain why the change might confer more fitness to a particular environment?


PLEASE HELP I’ve been having problems with biology especially the APA format also my similarity score has been very high. I need an original answer and never been submitted before not in 04, 05 06, 07, 08. please Original

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According to the Theory of Evolution, Natural Selection is the mechanism by which evolution occurs. Remember: evolution occurs at the level of the population. Individuals do not evolve, populations evolve.
The process of Natural selection is based on the following four postulates (listed in your textbook on page 288):
Postulate 1 – Individual members of a population differ from one another in many respects.
Postulate 2 – At least some of the differences among members of a population are due to characteristics that may be passed from parent to offspring. That is, they are heritable or genetic.
Postulate 3 – In each generation, some individuals in a population survive and reproduce successfully but others do not.
Postulate 4 – The fate of individuals is not determined by luck. Instead, an individual’s likelihood of survival and reproduction depends on its characteristics. Individuals with advantageous traits survive longest and leave the most offspring, a process known as Natural Selection.
Assignment: Choose ONE animal species. Your goal is to describe the way in which an evolutionary change might occur for a particular characteristic (trait) of that species as a result of natural selection. The characteristic could be something like coloration pattern, length of the limbs, or size of the teeth or beak, or any measurable trait that is inherited.
The organism you choose should be a real one but the evolutionary change you describe can be real or theoretical.
In your own words,
Explain how the change in this trait occurs in terms of the four postulates listed above and in the book. You will describe what the population starts out like at time zero and then what it will look like at a later time, as a result of natural selection.
Make sure to explain the process by which the changes occurred. What is the selective pressure? Explain why the change might confer more fitness to a particular environment?
Tips: Make sure to include the following in your…