
What measures did you take to ensure that the care you provided was culturally competent care?


Please use this videos for this assignment and a few other sources. Please respond to all the questions. it should be approximately 1 and a half page.



View these videos from the US Department of Health and Human Services, and then answer the question below:

1. How do you define culture?

2. Discuss some of your experiences in caring for a patient from a different culture than your own. What measures did you take to ensure that the care you provided was culturally competent care?

3. When caring for a patient that does not speak the same language as should you ensure that the patient understood the information that you provide them?

Use the videos and other sources to support your post.

address disruptive behavior of people working at all levels of the organization.

In 2009, The Joint Commission revised its leadership standards to reflect the need for a culture that supports quality performance. Leaders in accredited organizations are expected to “create and maintain a culture of safety and quality throughout the organization” (Schyve 2009, 20). Compliance with these standards requires leaders to

?        demonstrate their commitment to quality,

?        set quality expectations for those who work in the organization,

?        evaluate the culture on a regular basis,

?        encourage teamwork and create opportunities for this collaboration to flourish, and

?        address disruptive behavior of people working at all levels of the organization.


Is your organization meeting TJC standard? If so address the bullets above and tell us how your facility is meeting the standards one by one. If not; what would you implement to address the bullets above?

What are some red flags that signal incompatibility between the culture and organization?

  Believe it or not! Quality does not happen by accident. We must make an intentional effort to measure, assess, and improve performance. Not only must an organization’s board of trustees and senior management be committed to quality but they also must create a framework for accomplishing quality activities and an environment that supports continuous improvement. Lead by example! Active and personal board involvement in quality and patient safety oversight contributes to building a high-performing healthcare organization. In our organization we are striving to become a Highly Reliable Organization. How are you becoming a HRO?



  • While there is no “correct” culture. A culture that works in one organization may not work in another. A culture’s suitability depends on how well it supports the organization’s quality management goals. Is the culture at your facility undermining quality improvement efforts? What are some red flags that signal incompatibility between the culture and organization?

Do you have sea change?

“A Sea-Change for Health Care?”


·                     Sea Change Program is dedicated to transforming the culture of stigma around abortion and other stigmatized reproductive experiences. We conduct social science research and partner with organizations to identify, test, and share practices for reducing reproductive stigmas.  We seek a world that upholds the dignity and humanity of people as they move through their reproductive lives. We work to increase the visibility of marginalized reproductive experiences, strengthen connections between people, reproductive health care providers, and their communities, and support the integration of abortion and other reproductive health services into mainstream health care.

1         We engage in projects that highlight innovation by trying new ideas, taking risks, and measuring success.

2         We bring a spirit of collaboration, recognizing that working with individuals, communities, and organizations helps us to communicate a shared vision, learn from each other, and garner the resources and influence we need to change the world.

3         We believe in transparency, seeking to make our work understandable, accessible and useful.

4         We emphasize learning through our research, continuing education, and communication with our colleagues and partners.

5         Finally, we value intersectionality as an approach to viewing the complex matrix of oppression and privilege in people’s lives, and use this analysis to inform our research questions, interventions, and organizational partnerships (“Sea Change Program”, 2016).


Do you have sea change?


Sea Change Program. (2016). Retrieved from