
write a scripted dialogue in which you provide Sallie Mae with education that describes her problems and the interventions identified to improve her condition

This is a CLC assignment.

As a group, observe the simulated “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” video (

Refer to “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders” for specifics related to the case study used to inform the assignment.

Using “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” and “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders,” complete the following components of this assignment:

Essay Portion

After viewing the home visit, write an essay of 500-750-words in which you do the following:

  1. Identify, prioritize, and describe at least four problems.
  2. Provide substantiating evidence (assessment data) for each problem identified.
  3. Identify and describe at least four medical and/or nursing interventions.
  4. Discuss your rationale for the interventions identified.

Prepare this step of the assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Scripted Dialogue Portion

Utilizing the information learned from the home visit, health histories, and discharge orders, write a scripted dialogue in which you provide Sallie Mae with education that describes her problems and the interventions identified to improve her condition. Consider Sallie Mae’s physiological, psychosocial, educational, and spiritual needs when developing your dialogue.

Your dialogue should resemble a script. The following is an example of a few sentences from a scripted dialogue:

Nurse: “Good morning, Salle Mae, my name is ______ and I will be your nurse today. I understand you are experiencing problems with ________.”

APA format is not required for this part of the assignment, but solid academic writing is expected.

Refer to “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher Grading Criteria.”

Entire Assignment

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to LopesWrite.

Describe the Cultural Empowerment

Continuing with the same cultural group and health issue for the Session Long Project that you began in Module 1, write a paper to address the following:

Describe the Cultural Empowerment of the group you chose. Specifically address how each of the PEN-3 model’s three factors within the dimension of cultural empowerment applies to your group, and provide examples.

Use subheadings to clearly show that you have addressed each of the three factors. Support your discussion with references from scholarly and professional references (not just your opinion).

Length:  2-3 pages, excluding the cover page and the reference list.


factors that impede the adoption of a desired health behavior

Your comments will be graded on how well they meet the Discussion Requirements posted under “Before You Begin.”

The icebreaker for this Discussion is as follows:

Ice-breaker: “If I had the power to change a (negative) cultural practice, I would choose_______. I chose this because__________.”

After answering the icebreaker question above, please answer the following question in your Discussion response:

According to Airhihenbuwa, “negative enablers” are sociocultural factors that impede the adoption of a desired health behavior.

Please share with the class which cultural group you chose for your SLP and provide some examples of negative enablers that might influence the health behaviors of members of that cultural group. How might they lead to health disparities? Be specific — provide an example.


What does the statistical analysis of cardiovascular health tell us about the health disparities in this country (USA)?


1. What does the statistical analysis of cardiovascular health tell us about the health disparities in this country (USA)?

2. a) What does the educational level of the client tell you about their health status?

b) How could you address this situation in (a)?

3. What can you tell about the prevalence of hemoglobin A1c in a population? What conclusion  can you draw from this data?

4. What is the difference between male/female and the Hispanic and Black American population? Can you draw