
Evaluate what impact local, state, and federal laws have on the health care industry.



Signature Assignment: Laws and Regulations in Health Care


  • Use the health care regulation you selected in Week Three to complete this assignment. (HIPAA Privacy Rule)

Imagine you are a guest speaker at the Health Care Administrators conference. You have been asked to give a presentation that discusses what impact laws, regulatory agencies, and the use of technology have on the health care industry.

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that addresses the following:

  • Evaluate what impact local, state, and federal laws have on the health care industry.
  • Analyze the role of accreditation and regulatory agencies in the health care industry.
  • Evaluate what impact legal and regulatory requirements have on the development of organizational health care policies.
    • Analyze the regulatory issues and trends that have an impact on the health care industry.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Include a title slide, an introduction slide, and detailed speaker notes with in-text citations to support your information as fact and give credit to your sources, a conclusion slide, and a reference slide.


Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

How is the health issue disproportionately distributed or distributed unequally among certain populations (e.g. by age, race, gender etc.)?

Final Group Project

HEED 103.101 and 103.151

150 Points


This is a research project in PowerPoint Format.  You must use credible sources when completing your research!

Description Points Possible
Choose a disease or health issue among the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States!  Describe the disease or health issue in complete detail. 10 points
Describe the causes of the disease or health issue.


10 points
Describe the statistics of the disease or health issue.  Paint a complete picture of the health issue in the United States!  This can include a graphic representation, tables of data 10 points
Describe the occurring health disparities in regards to your disease or health issue using the statistics identified.  How is the health issue disproportionately distributed or distributed unequally among certain populations (e.g. by age, race, gender etc.)? 15 points
Examine the health topic and health disparities through the lens of 2 broad factors that contribute to behavior described in the Social-Ecological Web.  You must include research to support your ideas and link the contributing factor to your chosen health issue. 30 points

(15 pts. each)

Select an intrapersonal, interpersonal, or multi-level theory to and explain why it is appropriate for the health issue.  Apply the model theory to help understand the behavior that contributes to your chosen health issue.  Apply and describe how the constructs within the model/theory could be utilized to improve the health issue. 20 points
Based on you analysis of the health issue (the contributing factors identified from the Social-Ecological Web and the model theory used to explain or predict behavior), develop an intervention to improve health behavior that will improve health outcomes related to your chosen health issue.

Identify your target audience

20 points





5 points

Develop promotion plan that utilizes Social Marketing techniques (the 4P’s) 15 points
Develop a communications campaign based off of your already developed promotion plan. 15 points






Helpful Links for Project










Discuss how the disease outbreak might have been avoided or mitigated.

Let me know if you can help and how much. Need it by tomorrow noon west coast time.


I notice my Return score is at 46% – Last year one tutor tried to give me substandard work.  It appeared English was not her first language I gave her a couple of chances to fix, but it was evident this was not going to work. I am not sure why it is a mark against me.


Let me know how much if you can do this for me.


Just needs to be a page or two. Citation and References APA

I have a discussion post due 

  • Identify the emerging or reemerging infectious disease you selected.
  • Discuss the investigative process used to identify the outbreak, and describe its effect using descriptive epidemiology (person, place, and time).
  • Apply the epidemiologic triangle and vector theory to your selected outbreak.
  • Evaluate how prior health care interventions, or lack thereof, created the conditions that allowed this infectious disease to emerge.
  • Discuss how the disease outbreak might have been avoided or mitigated. Include agencies, organizations, and resources that could have supported these efforts. If appropriate, consider ongoing efforts to control the outbreak

How is quality measured in long-term care?

Regulations in Long-Term Care

There are many federal and state regulations when it comes to long-term care. Using the South University Online Library and the Internet, research any four specific regulations related to long-term care and summarize them.

Based on the regulations you identified, respond to the following questions:

  • What are the benefits and shortcomings of your identified regulations? Which of these shortcomings have an effect on the quality and the cost of health care services? How?
  • Do you believe there is a link between regulations and better care? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think long-term care services are subjected to so much external control by government agencies? Provide a rationale for your responses.
  • How is quality measured in long-term care? Is there only one, or are there several approaches to measure quality? What are they? Who should be given the responsibility to measure quality?