
discuss your future leadership role and participation in professional organizations.

Final Project

The final assignment will synthesize what you have discovered about the different advanced practice roles and scope of practice found in the master of nursing curriculum: NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator. You will review all roles and then examine the specialty for which you were admitted, focusing on the scope of practice, core competencies, certification requirements, and legal aspects of practice for that specific role. You will also identify the practice environment and population you will be working with, as well as peers and colleagues. In addition, you will discuss your future leadership role and participation in professional organizations.

Your paper is to be based on current literature, standards of practice, core competencies, and certification bodies for your chosen role. The paper should be 10–12 pages excluding the title and reference, and APA format is required.


  • Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing:
    • Compare and contrast the roles of the NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and research.
  • Selected Advanced Practice Role:
    • Examine regulatory and legal requirements for the state in which you plan to practice.
    • Describe the professional organizations available for membership based on your selected role.
    • Identify required competencies, including certification requirements for your selected role.
    • Predict the organization and setting, population, and colleagues with whom you plan to work.
  • Leadership Attributes of the Advanced Practice Role:
    • Determine your leadership style (
    • Identify leadership attributes you currently possess, and attributes you may need to develop.
    • Determine how to attain and evaluate those missing attributes.
  • Health Policy and the Advanced Practice Role
  • Visit the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ( and identify a health policy issue. Conduct a review of literature and address the following:
    • Describe the current policy and what needs to change; justify your conclusions with citations from the literature.
    • Provide the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest.
    • Explain how you could lead the effort to make or influence the change in policy.
    • Predict the effect on healthcare quality if the change in policy is implemented.

Explain the key concepts that must be shared with the patient and family to achieve optimal disorder management and outcomes. 

Can you complete the assignment below for today in 6 hours from now?

Please let me know


Instruction from Professor:


Throughout this course, you were provided case studies that focused on cardiovascular, pulmonary, genitourinary, and musculoskeletal disorders. You will pick one (Emphysema) of these cases to analyze and create a comprehensive care plan for acute/chronic care, disease prevention, and health promotion for that patient and disorder. Your care plan should be based on current best practices and supported with citations from current literature, such as systematic reviews, published practice guidelines, standards of care from specialty organizations, and other research based resources. In addition, you will provide a detailed scientific rationale that justifies the inclusion of this evidence in your plan. Your paper should adhere to APA format for title page, headings, citations, and references. The paper should be no more than 10 pages typed excluding title page and references.


Case Study Evaluation

Analyze the disorder addressing the following elements: pathophysiology, signs/symptoms, progression trajectory, diagnostic testing, and treatment options.

Differentiate the disorder from normal development.

Discuss the physical and psychological demands the disorder places on the patient and family.

Explain the key concepts that must be shared with the patient and family to achieve optimal disorder management and outcomes.

Identify key interdisciplinary team personnel needed and how this team will provide care to achieve optimal disorder management and outcomes.

Interpret facilitators and barriers to optimal disorder management and outcomes.

Describe strategies to overcome the identified barriers.

Care Plan Synthesis

Design a comprehensive and holistic recognition and planning for the disorder.

Address how the patient’s socio-cultural background can potentially impact optimal management and outcomes.

Demonstrate an evidence-based approach to address key issues identified in the case study.

Formulate a comprehensive but tailored approach to disorder management.



Pulmonary Clinical Case: Emphysema

Case Study Evaluation

You need to develop each topic below:


Signs and Symptoms

Progression Trajectory

Diagnostic Testing

Treatment Options-Medications-Therapy-Surgical Option

Differentiate the Disorder from Normal Development

Physical and Psychological Demands the Disorder Places on the Patient and Family

Key Concepts that Must Be Shared with the Patient and Family to Achieve Optimal Disorder Management and Outcomes

Key Interdisciplinary Team Personnel Needed and How This Team will Provide Care to Achieve Optimal Disorder Management and Outcomes

Facilitators and Barriers to Optimal Disorder Management and Outcomes

Strategies to Overcome the Identified Barriers

Care Plan Synthesis

Comprehensive and Holistic Recognition and Planning for the Disorder

How the Patient’s Socio-Cultural Background can Potentially Impact Optimal Management and Outcomes

Evidence-Based Approach to Address Key Issues Identified in the Case Study

Comprehensive but Tailored Approach to Disorder Management

how long does it take to develop a standard?

Grading Rubric Sample Table Hints and A Help for this Discusson Question

Class, this question is asking how do organizations develop nursing standards of practice.  Standards of practice are documents that outline minimum levels of performance for nurses in general and for nurses in specialties. The ANA’s Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice is an example of a standard of practice for nurses in general. Standards of nursing practice are accepted nationally and do not differ across states like scope of practice may. The DQ asks you to discuss your states development of standards, but since standards are developed nationally so simply discuss how standards are developed using our resources and readings.   The course design just updated the course, questions, readings and I will report this error/ confusing question to them.

Here is a link to the page that lists organizations  standards of practice to help you grasp the  idea of standards. It lists many  organizations/specialties, each with their own standards.   Recall that other nursing organizations and  accrediting agencies also make standards, but  professional organizations like the ANA’s are more well known, in fact many nurses incorrectly believe that only the ANA makes standards of nursing practice.  This unit is a great opportunity to learn more about standards and explore other professional organizations and learn about their standards


This ANA article on best practices for adopting standards is a great source for learning about the steps in developing standards of nursing practice (please summarize the information in your own words).  Some areas of focus for this question might be how is the need for a standard recognized?  how long does it take to develop a standard? Is there research involved? What must be included/considered?  The source is a cached web site.  If you have difficulty let me know.

be sure to complete all assigned readings prior to posting your answer to the question. Lisa


Grading Rubric

Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state,+3

Discussion of the entities involved in developing the standards of practice and +3

Discuss how the standards of practice influence the nursing process for your areas or specialty. +3

Writing and APA


You may post the answers in narrative or use the table I provided below.  Rememer our assigned readings are your best sources for references.


Process for Developing Standards of Practice  


Entities that may be involved  


Influence of Standards of Practice on nursing in your work/ specialty  



Healthcare is a right and as such access to care is also right, so why are more people dying sooner? 

I need a positive argument  based in this discussion question. Respond to this argument in one or more of the following ways:

Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.

Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.

Use references 

Main Post

While the US spends more money per capita on health care than other country with little to no change in life expectancy, the rising cost continues to be directly related to the medical treatment of disease rather than prevention.  For many chronic disease processes, acute care is synonymous to a band aid on a decubitus ulcer.  This analogy can also be applied to the governments’ current approach to the delivery of healthcare.

An enormous opportunity for economic reform exists in healthcare from the Federal, State, and Local levels of government to the individual healthcare provider.  We can effect change not just by prevention, but also by considering new and dynamic methods to improve what is clearly a privileged system that caters mostly to the “haves” not the “have not’s”.  The poorer, less educated, and disabled (usually pre-existing) without resources are likely to be repeatedly hospitalized, without insurance and with costs defrayed to the private insurance sector causing private pay to be more expensive and limited in scope.  In the United States, insurance is a privilege, but access to healthcare is a right.

Logic indicates follow-up care and access to long-term treatment will lessen the need for hospitalization and improve patient health and quality of life.  It stands to reason the primary care takers of the chronically and terminally ill also experience a negative impact on their physical well-being and are silently hidden cost secondary to lack of appropriate resources and a disease centered model of healthcare.

The Population Health Model (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), (2013) suggests one might be able to extrapolate a similar model when considering how our government and the resulting bipartisanship limits, if not completely paralyses, the effective provision and advancement of health care to our Nation’s citizens.

In summary, it isn’t only the health-related behaviors of individuals; it is the inaccessibility to resources that limits effective change because of the political agendas and the subsequent inertia.  The resulting bureaucracy continues to facilitate the rising cost of healthcare while simultaneously precipitating the decrease in the American life-expectancy.  As practitioners, are we simply willing to accept the fact that our government is spending more money to live less years? Healthcare is a right and as such access to care is also right, so why are more people dying sooner?  The current provision of healthcare is seriously flawed. If our Nation continues to remain stagnant (bipartisan) rather than humanitarian on these issues we will continue to experience a rise in health care that is directly proportional to an unhealthier population and decreased life expectancy.  The ineffective and unequal provision of health care in this country remains a conundrum for which we seem incapable of finding a solution.



World Health Organization. (1948). Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19-22 June, 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61 States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948. Retrieved from

Knickman, J.R, & Kovner, A.R. (Eds). (2015). Health care delivery in the United States (4th ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing. Plans – 2018 Trump Care Health Plans. Quote. First Quote Health. Com/? Campain_source.

American Nurses Association.  Health System Reform.  Retrieved March 22, 2012, from NURS:// System Reform.