
Integrate critical thinking and judgment in professional decision-making in collaboration with faculty and peers


The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learner to demonstrate good organization, appropriate resources, and correct APA formatting for preparing a scholarly paper.


This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

  • CO3: Demonstrate effective verbal, written, and technological communication using legal and ethical standards for transferring knowledge using success resources provided to Chamberlain students. (PO3)
  • CO4: Integrate critical thinking and judgment in professional decision-making in collaboration with faculty and peers. (PO4)
  • CO5: Apply concepts of professionalism when planning for personal, intellectual, and professional development. (PO5)
  • CO9: Demonstrate accountability for personal and professional development by assessing information and technology competence, implementing plans for upgrading technology skills, and using effective strategies for online student success using resources provided to Chamberlain students. (PO5)

main article:

references: Hood, L. J. (2018). Leddy & Pepper’s professional nursing (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter 18: pp. 474–504

Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies©: pp. 42–46

AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education: pp. 13–15.

preparing the paper:

Information below explains how to complete the Article Summary section of the paper (see Rubric for details).

Clearly summarize the major content of the assigned article using 175–200 words.

Content must include main ideas from across the entire article.

Specifics should be excellent.

Content must be attributed to the correct source.

For the Impact section (see rubric for details)

clearly state how learning from the assigned article will impact your future practice;

length must be 125–150 words;

writing must be concise and clearly relate the assigned article contents to practice; and use first person in this section.

Double check your work with the rubric prior to submission.

Note: Assigned Template must be used for this assignment. The Assigned Template has been specially prepared to help you do well on this assignment.

Note: Assigned Article must be used for this assignment. Failure to do so may result in loss of points and/or Academic Integrity violation investigation.

  • attachment

Apply nursing theory as a framework to guide the translation of knowledge and implementation of evidence-based practice in future professional settings. (CO #2)

Week 5 Assignment: Application of Theory

Guidelines with Scoring Rubric


Within the profession of nursing, multiple theories, models, and conceptual frameworks have been created to serve as a foundation for practice. The purpose of this assignment is to appraise the value of the model in serving as a theoretical framework and apply the model to your selected area of future professional nursing practice (your MSN track). For this assignment, you will select one of the following nursing models to address within the paper: the Patient-Centred Nursing (PCN) Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model.

Course Outcomes

Through this assessment, the student will meet the following Course Outcomes:

· Apply nursing theory as a framework to guide the translation of knowledge and implementation of evidence-based practice in future professional settings. (CO #2)

· Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to the components, relationships among the components, and application to advanced nursing practice. (CO#4)

Total Points Possible

This assessment is worth 175 points.

Due Date

Submit your file(s) by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 5.


Criteria for Content

Select one of the two models presented in the week five lesson (either the Person-Centred Nursing Framework, or the Chamberlain Care Model).

1. In a three- to four-page scholarly paper, address the following:

a. Provide a succinct overview of the model you have selected and discuss how the selected model addresses the four concepts within the nursing metaparadigm (person, health, nursing, environment).

b. Discuss how the selected model qualifies as a theoretical framework within the profession of nursing, and its use within the profession.

c. Describe how the chosen model can be applied in the future APN role (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). (USE NURSE PRACTITIONER)

Preparing the paper

Submission Requirements

1. Application: Use Microsoft Word 2013™ to create the written assessment.

2. Length: The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) is at least three and no more than four pages in length.

3. A minimum of four (4) scholarly literature sources must be used.

4. Submission: Submit your file to the Canvas course site by the due date/time indicated.

Best Practices in Preparing the Project

The following are best practices in preparing this project.

1. Review directions thoroughly.

2. Follow submission requirements.

3. Make sure all elements on the grading rubric are included.

4. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.

5. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.

6. Ideas and information that come from scholarly literature must be cited and referenced correctly.

7. A minimum of four (4) scholarly literature references must be used.

8. Abide by CCN academic integrity policy.

Grading Criteria

Category Points % Description
Introduction 18 10% Introduction includes general statements on the value of nursing models as a framework for practice. State the selected model that will be analyzed, and the MSN track to which application will be presented. Identify sections of the paper. Provide citations from scholarly nursing sources to validate your assertions.
Overview of Selected Model 35 20% Present a succinct overview of the selected model. Discuss the key concepts within the model. Explain how the model addresses each of the concepts within the metaparadigm (person, health, nursing, environment). Provide citations from scholarly nursing sources to validate your assertions.
Appraisal of the Model as a Nursing Theory 35 20% Explain how the selected model qualifies as a theory to serve as a theoretical framework for nursing practice. Discuss how the model has been used within the profession. Provide citations from scholarly nursing sources to validate your assertions.
Application of the Model to Advanced Practice Nursing 35 20% Discuss how the model can serve as a theoretical framework to inform and guide practice within your future master’s prepared role (educator, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Include one specific example which portrays application of the model to practice within your future master’s prepared role (educator, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Your example should be substantive, specific, and include a detailed description of how the model would be applied.

· The example may come from a published source, or it may be your own creative idea.

· Conventions of formal, scholarly writing should be used (do not use first person)

Provide citations from scholarly nursing sources to validate your work.

Conclusion 25 15% Provide a succinct conclusion to the paper, including the following elements:

· Concluding summary of the model and its value as a theoretical framework

· Proposed application of the model as a framework for practice in the selected master’s prepared role

· Self-reflection regarding what was learned from completing this assignment. Writing in the first-person may be included for the self-reflection.

APA Format 18 10% Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section or topic of the paper (one deduction for each type of APA style error). Ideas and information that come from scholarly sources must be cited and referenced correctly. A minimum of four (4) scholarly references are used.
Writing Mechanics 9 5% Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual. For this assignment first person may be used.
Total 175 100% A quality assignment will meet or exceed all the above requirements.

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR501

NR501_Week 5 Assignment_FEB2018_JCJ/AS 1

Grading Rubric

Assessment Criteria Exceptional


Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance

Content Possible Points = 148 Points
Introduction 18 Points 16 Points 14Points 7 Points Points
Presentation of information iscomprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

· Includes general statements on the value of nursing models as a framework for practice.

· States the selected model that will be analyzed, and the MSN track to which application will be presented.

· Identifies sections of the paper.

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources.

Presentation of information issuperficial and includes all of the following elements:

· Includes general statements on the value of nursing models as a framework for practice.

· States the selected model that will be analyzed, and the MSN track to which application will be presented.

· Identifies sections of the paper.

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources.

Presentation of information isminimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:

· Includes general statements on the value of nursing models as a framework for practice.

· States the selected model that will be analyzed, and the MSN track to which application will be presented.

· Identifies sections of the paper.

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources.

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

· Includes general statements on the value of nursing models as a framework for practice.

· States the selected model that will be analyzed, and the MSN track to which application will be presented.

· Identifies sections of the paper.

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources.

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

· Includes general statements on the value of nursing models as a framework for practice.

· States the selected model that will be analyzed, and the MSN track to which application will be presented.

· Identifies sections of the paper.

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources.

Overview of Selected Model 35 Points 31 Points 28 Points 13 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

· Selects either the Patient-Centred Nursing (PCN) Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model.

· Presents a succinct overview of the selected model.

· Discusses the key concepts within the model.

· Explain how the model addresses each of the concepts within the metaparadigm (person, health, nursing, environment).

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources.

Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

· Selects either the Patient-Centred Nursing (PCN) Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model.

· Presents a succinct overview of the selected model.

· Discusses the key concepts within the model.

· Explain how the model addresses each of the concepts within the metaparadigm (person, health, nursing, environment).

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources.

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:

· Selects either the Patient-Centred Nursing (PCN) Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model.

· Presents a succinct overview of the selected model.

· Discusses the key concepts within the model.

· Explain how the model addresses each of the concepts within the metaparadigm (person, health, nursing, environment).

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources.

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

· Selects either the Patient-Centred Nursing (PCN) Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model.

· Presents a succinct overview of the selected model.

· Discusses the key concepts within the model.

· Explain how the model addresses each of the concepts within the metaparadigm (person, health, nursing, environment).

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources.

Presentation of information in two or more following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

· Selects either the Patient-Centred Nursing (PCN) Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model.

· Presents a succinct overview of the selected model.

· Discusses the key concepts within the model.

· Explain how the model addresses each of the concepts within the metaparadigm (person, health, nursing, environment).

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources.

Appraisal of the Model as a Nursing Theory 35 Points 31 Points 28 Points 13 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

· Explains how the selected model qualifies as a theory to serve as a theoretical framework for nursing practice.

· Discusses how the model has been used within the profession.

· Provides citations from scholarly sources.

Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

· Explains how the selected model qualifies as a theory to serve as a theoretical framework for nursing practice.

· Discusses how the model has been used within the profession.

· Provides citations from scholarly sources.

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:

· Explains how the selected model qualifies as a theory to serve as a theoretical framework for nursing practice.

· Discusses how the model has been used within the profession.

· Provides citations from scholarly sources.

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

· Explains how the selected model qualifies as a theory to serve as a theoretical framework for nursing practice.

· Discusses how the model has been used within the profession.

· Provides citations from scholarly sources.

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

· Explains how the selected model qualifies as a theory to serve as a theoretical framework for nursing practice.

· Discusses how the model has been used within the profession.

· Provides citations from scholarly sources.

Application of the Model to Advanced Practice Nursing 35 Points 31 points 28 Points 13 points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

· Discusses how the model can serve as a theoretical framework to inform and guide practice within your future master’s prepared role (educator, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics).

· Includes one specific example which portrays application of the model to practice within your future master’s prepared role (educator, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Your example should be substantive, specific, and include a detailed description of how the model would be applied.

· The example may come from a published source, or it may be your own creative idea.

· Conventions of formal, scholarly writing should be used (do not use first person)

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources

Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

· Discusses how the model can serve as a theoretical framework to inform and guide practice within your future master’s prepared role (educator, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics).

· Includes one specific example which portrays application of the model to practice within your future master’s prepared role (educator, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Your example should be substantive, specific, and include a detailed description of how the model would be applied.

· The example may come from a published source, or it may be your own creative idea.

· Conventions of formal, scholarly writing should be used (do not use first person)

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:

· Discusses how the model can serve as a theoretical framework to inform and guide practice within your future master’s prepared role (educator, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics).

· Includes one specific example which portrays application of the model to practice within your future master’s prepared role (educator, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Your example should be substantive, specific, and include a detailed description of how the model would be applied.

· The example may come from a published source, or it may be your own creative idea.

· Conventions of formal, scholarly writing should be used (do not use first person)

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

· Discusses how the model can serve as a theoretical framework to inform and guide practice within your future master’s prepared role (educator, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics).

· Includes one specific example which portrays application of the model to practice within your future master’s prepared role (educator, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Your example should be substantive, specific, and include a detailed description of how the model would be applied.

· The example may come from a published source, or it may be your own creative idea.

· Conventions of formal, scholarly writing should be used (do not use first person)

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

· Discusses how the model can serve as a theoretical framework to inform and guide practice within your future master’s prepared role (educator, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics).

· Includes one specific example which portrays application of the model to practice within your future master’s prepared role (educator, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Your example should be substantive, specific, and include a detailed description of how the model would be applied.

· The example may come from a published source, or it may be your own creative idea.

· Conventions of formal, scholarly writing should be used (do not use first person)

· Provides citations from scholarly nursing sources

Conclusion 25 Points 22 Points 20 Points 10 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

· Concluding summary of the model and its value as a theoretical framework

· Proposed application of the model as a framework for practice in the selected master’s prepared role

· Self-reflection regarding what was learned from completing this assignment

· Writing in the first-person may be included for the self-reflection

Presentation of information is good but superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

· Concluding summary of the model and its value

as a theoretical framework

· Proposed application of the model as a framework for practice in the selected master’s prepared role

· Self-reflection regarding what was learned from completing this assignment

· Writing in the first-person may be included for the self-reflection

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:

· Concluding summary of the model and its value as a theoretical framework

· Proposed application of the model as a framework for practice in the selected master’s prepared role

· Self-reflection regarding what was learned from completing this assignment

· Writing in the first-person may be included for the self-reflection

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

· Concluding summary of the model and its value as a theoretical framework

· Proposed application of the model as a framework for practice in the selected master’s prepared role

· Self-reflection regarding what was learned from completing this assignment

· Writing in the first-person may be included for the self-reflection

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fails to meet expectations or are missing the following:

· Concluding summary of the model and its value as a theoretical framework

· Proposed application of the model as a framework for practice in the selected master’s prepared role

· Self-reflection regarding what was learned from completing this assignment

· Writing in the first-person may be included for the self-reflection

Content Subtotal ___ /148 points
Format Possible Points = 27 Points
APA Format 18 Points 16 Points 14 Points 7 Points 0 Points
APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page;

· running head;

· body of paper (including citations and headings); and

· reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

0 to 1 APA error is present

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page;

· running head;

· body of paper (including citations and headings); and

· reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

2–3 APA errors are present

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page;

· running head;

· body of paper (including citations and headings); and

· reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

4–5 APA errors are present

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page;

· running head;

· body of paper (including citations and headings); and

· reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

6–7 APA errors are present

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page;

· running head;

· body of paper (including citations and headings); and

· reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

8 or greater APA errors are present

References and Page Length

Note: Students are to use at least four (4) scholarly references. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be at least three but no more than four pages.

3 Point Deduction
Does not use at least four (4) scholarly references and/orexceeds required page length.
Writing Mechanics 9 Points 8 Points 7 Points 3 Points 0 Points
1–2 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual. For this assignment, first person may be used. 3–4 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual. For this assignment, first person may be used. 5–6 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual. For this assignment, first person may be used. 7–8 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual. For this assignment, first person may be used. 9 or greater errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual. For this assignment, first person may be used.
Format Subtotal ____/27 points
Total Points ____/175points

Post an explanation of how legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy differ from those for individual therapy

Discussion: Legal and Ethical Considerations for Group and Family Therapy

Considering the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), the idea of discussing confidential information with a patient in front of an audience is probably quite foreign to you. However, in group and family therapy, this is precisely what the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner does. In your role, learning how to provide this type of therapy within the limits of confidentiality is essential. For this Discussion, consider how limited confidentiality and other legal and ethical considerations might impact therapeutic approaches for clients in group and family therapy.

To prepare:

· Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide on group and family therapy.

· View the media, Legal and Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professions, Volume I, and reflect on legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy and individual therapy.

Post an explanation of how legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy differ from those for individual therapy.

Then, explain how these differences might impact your therapeutic approaches for clients in group and family therapy. Support your rationale with evidence-based literature.

Required Readings

American Nurses Association. (2014). Psychiatric-mental health nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

· Standard 5A “Coordination of Care” (page 54)

Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice. New York, NY: Springer.

· Chapter 11, “Group Therapy” (pp. 407–428)

Nichols, M. (2014). The essentials of family therapy (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

· Chapter 1, “The Foundations of Family Therapy” (pp. 1–6)

· Chapter 2, “The Evolution of Family Therapy” (pp. 7–28)

Breeskin, J. (2011). Procedures and guidelines for group therapy. The Group Psychologist, 21(1). Retrieved from

Khawaja, I. S., Pollock, K., & Westermeyer, J. J. (2011). The diminishing role of psychiatry in group psychotherapy: A commentary and recommendations for change. Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience, 8(11), 20–23. Retrieved from

Koukourikos, K., & Pasmatzi, E. (2014). Group therapy in psychotic inpatients. Health Science Journal, 8(3), 400–408. Retrieved from

Laureate Education (Producer). (2017). Introduction to psychotherapy with groups and families [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.


Lego, S. (1998). The application of Peplau’s theory to group psychotherapy. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 5(3), 193–196. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2850.1998.00129.x

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

McClanahan, K. K. (2014). Can confidentiality be maintained in group therapy? Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2014). HIPAA privacy rule and sharing information related to mental health. Retrieved from

Laureate Education (Producer). (2015). Microskills: Family counseling techniques 1 [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.


Laureate Education (Producer). (2015). Microskills: Family counseling techniques 2 [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.


Laureate Education (Producer). (2015). Microskills: Family counseling techniques 3 [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.


Sommers, G., Feldman, S., & Knowlton, K. (Producers). (2008a). Legal and ethical issues for mental health professionals, volume 1: Confidentiality, privilege, reporting, and duty to warn [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA:


Sommers, G., Feldman, S., & Knowlton, K. (Producers). (2008b). Legal and ethical issues for mental health professionals, volume 2: Dual relationships, boundaries, standards of care and termination [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA:


Factors Affecting the Role of Care Giver among the Epilepsy Patients

The content page number
Acknowledgment 3
Chapter one
abstracter 4
Introduction 5
Literature review 6-9
signification 10
Aim of study 10-11
Chapter two
Study design 12-13
Setting 13
Population and sample 13-14
Data collection 14-15
Trustworthiness of data 15-16
Pilot study 17
Ethical consideration 17-18
Data analyze 19
Procedure of the main study 19-20
Chapter three
Expected outcome 21
Time scale 21-22
Budget 22
References 23to 27
Questionnaire 28 to 30
Information leaflet 31to39
Consent form 39



I would like to acknowledge my sister support for me to complete this research project. I am grateful to her and my family for giving me time and support during my research. spicily my husband gives me chance to do my study.

Factors Affecting the Role of Care Giver among the Epilepsy Patients


Introduction: Epilepsy is a diverse set of chronic neurological disorders characterized by seizures. It is one of the most common of the serious neurological disorders.

Aim: To identify the factors that affected the caregivers who provide the care for patients who diagnosed with epilepsy clients.

Methodology: the researcher uses quantitative design for statics and data analysis, as well random sample will be 100 samples, with use of questioner’s containing open- closed equations, it will be at king Fahad Hospital.

Sample: probability sample fore 100 nurses from different area of nerve units. Conclusion: this study to improve quality of care to epilepsy patients and to identify factors affect of care.

Key Words: seizures; epilepsy, care giver, patients.


Epilepsy is not just a neurological disorder, but it may also have negative psychological consequences for people with epilepsy and their families. Family care providers Operate an important role in the provision of care for clients who are suffering from chronic illness or acute and their families. In addition, the amount of tension that affect the family members who raise the individual referred to as the patient, objective, the workload of the caregiver with epilepsy patient. Here we will try to determine the factors and the size of this burden and its effect on the quality of life of the caregiver. So here, from this topic will be outline about caregivers with a client has epilepsy. Epilepsy is a brain disorder characterized by bouts of brain activity troubled which a seizure that affect the patient’s behavior and attention. It is not a disease specific, it is a non-homogeneous case arise from a variety of pathological insults that involve cortex, such as tumors or bad genetic channel. Epilepsy increase in tension or seizures of any meaning activity Frequently abnormal paroxysmal usually limited duration seconds in a few minutes. The average Spread of epilepsy includes the rate of Arab countries Sudan, Tunisia and Libya) 2.3 / 1000 ranging between 0.9 and 6.5 / 1000, which is located within the existing in Europe, North Australia, America and Asia range. in Saudi Arabia the spread of active epilepsy was 6.54 from 1000 population (Donald 2009). Most epilepsy studies refer to that males are more affected than females, and generalized seizures that are more common than partial seizures of epilepsy also that idiopathic epilepsy accounted for representing seventy-three and half to eighty-two and over half of the cases. The way to get help in the early time of work with caregivers, especially specialists in the treatment of epilepsy. This kind of help in helping the patient and his family to make full use of treatment with his options this way often reduce or even sometimes eliminate the situation, yet some people suffer from epilepsy but misunderstanding about the situation they are going through. Epilepsy is a serious medical condition but nowadays many people can manage this disease and live just like others with natural disease by taking treatment options and positive steps to creating a healthy and emotionally healthy life, the disease does not have to judge a person’s life.

Literature review:

Overview of epilepsy:

Epilepsy is an unpredictable disease that is coming as chronic and debilitating disorders that has impact on the people with epilepsy and their caregivers. It affected more than 100 of people and their families (Karakis et al. 2014). Epilepsy is a problem in the brain cells where they work incorrectly or electrify lines and problems in the map of brain formation and in the electrophysiology of the brain, which is the epicenter of the epilepsy according to the affected region, spasm occurs in the region immunization is different from epilepsy but is a sign of epilepsy. It is It is a brain disorder characterized by a constant willingness to generate epileptic seizures, neurological, cognitive, psychological and social consequences of the condition. Sharma and Dixit (2013) showed that an Epilepsy seizure are clinical manifestations of abnormal and excessive drainage of a group of neurons in the brain. Consequently, a seizure is the event and epilepsy are the disorder. The spasm is also caused by other factors, such as dribbling in the body salt, high temperature of children and beating on the head so far definition of the epilepsy is “Transient disorders caused by abnormal electrical activity on the brain. It is a group of symptomatic manifestations of several cases involving an overstatement of nerve cells of the brain Infection with half a percent of this population is commonplace the population of this common around more than seventy percent have a seizure in his vessel childhood or after age fifty” Authored by Robert (2014).

O’Dell et al. (2007) explained that epilepsy has impacts on the quality of life of patients such as losing of control, lack of independence, fear, low self-esteem, fear, change in the lifestyle, stigmatization, depression, social and employment restrictions, and financial strains. Trivedi et al. (2012) showed that there are some indirect factors that also affected the care providers for those patients. Epilepsy is the fourth the most common neurological condition and the caregiver burden has attracted less attention than other neurological Diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease lateral sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.

Prevalence of Epilepsy:

According to the World Health Organization (2010), it estimated that 50 million of people with different ages are diagnosed epilepsy worldwide and more than 85% in the developing world as well as 4.7 million people in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. Ngugi et al. (2010) illustrated that 69 million people over the world affected by 90% among people in low and middle-income countries. Neville (2007) also stated that 3-60% of children and more than half of the cases started at younger age. Hackett et al. (2007) demonstrated that Higher prevalence of epilepsy in developing countries than in developed countries that affected 3 per 1000 in Italy, 8 per 1000 in Turkey and 22.2 per 1000 in India. AL Aqeel and Sabbagh (2013) mentioned in their study that 6.54 per 1000 are diagnosed with epilepsy in KSA.

On the other hand, Sampath Kumar et al (2010) showed that epilepsy can be turn into syndrome and classified into many types due to the differences in the clinical conditions for each patient such as prognosis, severity and causes. The syndrome can be symptomatic, idiopathic and cryptogenic. Symptomatic implied that seizures have known cause such as prior stroke. Idiopathic is resulted due to without known causes. Moreover, cryptogenic implied that a symptomatic cause is suspected, but not yet found.

Impact of epilepsy on caregivers:

Caregiver is defined as “a family member who was primarily responsible for providing day care for the patient”. Van Andel et al. (2009) assured that there are many studies focused on the reducing of mental component of the quality of life in patients with epilepsy care providers. Ohaeri et al. (2009) conducted a control group comparison study on 257 caregivers who take care for patients and found that the caregivers are having lower QOL and had lower education attainment. Tajudeen Nuhu et al. (2010) also supported in their study done on 231 caregivers of Nigerian patients attended an outpatient clinic and found that caregivers burden was 25% due to the younger patient’s age, longer disease duration, patient’s unemployment, family history of epilepsy, rural residence, shorter periods of seizure freedom and poorer access to health care. There is a study taken by Westphal-Guitti et al. (2007) in Brazil to compared 50 Patients with epilepsy and youthful epilepsy with epilepsy and temporal lobe along with their carers reported that moderate care burden of 22% for JME and 30% for TLE was associated with a burden with weak emotional and social area and physical quality of life providers care. They also stated that family experienced increased level of depression and anxiety as well as social dissatisfaction and low levels of support. Anxiety and depression of the family are strongly associated with the severity of epileptic seizures among patients (Bressi et al 2007). Another study by Imhof et al. Use (2013) a cross-sectional exploratory study conducted at a third clinic in Switzerland on epilepsy patients and their families to investigate the factors affecting diabetic patients in adult patients in the hospital with epilepsy and their families. They reported that families need for self-care improvement and coping mechanism to elevate the stress when they take acre for the patients. It had been seen that family functioning can poor in patients suffered from epileptic or psychogenic non-epileptic seizures as family reported dysfunctional cohesion (LaFrance  et al. 2011)

Nursing roles:

Nurses interacted with the patients to play their various roles in the healthcare system. Nurses such as bedside nurses and advanced practice nurses are participated with the collaborative care with primary care physicians or neurologists in the specialized epilepsy centers. Callanan and Spencer (2016) supported that nurses have opportunities for improving the care for the patients with epilepsy that consisted from the development of a special certification for nurses to be able to take care in the inpatients in tertiary or quaternary epilepsy centers or stroke centers. Nurses have to understand their roles through education provided in the job training, attending of conferences that focused on epilepsy such as the American Epilepsy Society Annual as stated by Paul et al. (2014). In addition, nurses have to attend the meeting and local nursing conference and focus on the opportunities to work with expert nurses and distance learning. The healthcare organization should provide a core group of nurses to train them on the epilepsy care. One of the essential nurses’ roles is to make a measurement for their care effectiveness on the health outcomes of patients and on their cost effectiveness for their services. A part of the equation is patient satisfaction that is a domain of nursing to discuss with the patients using multiple sources such as social media, the Internet, friends, family, support groups, nurses, and physicians. The pivotal role of nurse to provide education is shall integrate the self- management skills and counseling and have a free physician to focus on medical management and therapy.

Paul et al. (2014) focused on their study about the nursing intervention to provide the care for epilepsy and they found that patients were highly satisfied with the nurses. Ridsdale et al. (2011) compared the nursing interventions with usual care in patients who newly diagnosed with epilepsy. They confirmed that nurses’ interventions are very helpful to the patients and improve their knowledge scores. There was a meta-analysis taken by Chase et al. (2016) to assess the nurses interventions to improve the medical adherence in patients with coronary artery disease and found that interventions were especially effective when used specific measurable outcomes such as emergency room visits, injuries, and school and work productivity are needed among the patients with epilepsy. Callananand Spencer (2016) pointed out the importance of nurses’ roles in providing the care in the people with epilepsy and suggested that nurses’ resources must be focused on patients who needed for support and education related to diagnosis, self-management skills, psychosocial, school/work, and interpersonal issues and medical management and the potential adverse effects of therapy. Pfafflin et al. (2016) A randomized, controlled and prospective randomized controlled trial aimed at verifying the effectiveness of epilepsy patients on the basis of counseling about epilepsy among the patients who received care in the neurologists in outpatient clinics. They reported that Satisfaction is improved with information and support significantly and epilepsy knowledge and coping are also improved. In addition, in clinical practices, nurses have to consider the incorporating of the caregiver into their assessments and treatment plans for the patients in order to improve the patient’s quality of life. Nurses have to provide a caregiver Counseling, education, evaluation and treatment of the development of pathological psychology, through a group or individual interdisciplinary interventions to support them with physical, social, emotional and financial advice. You must include care advocacy groups and feelings need to plan and follow national guidelines for clinical confirmation QOL care provider to make a good evaluation and management of epilepsy (Pugh et al. 2007).

Significant of the study:

Epilepsy is a medical condition with recurrent, unprovoked seizures. It is the fourth most common neurological condition and the caregiver burden has attracted less attention than other neurological diseases. Epilepsy is a complex disorder which affected the patients’ psychological health, independence, emotional adjustment and employment. Unfortunately, epilepsy affected the caregivers such as family who provide the care to the patients with epilepsy. Caregiver burden and QOL-related to the issues explored the impacts on the pediatric population rather than on caregivers of adult patients that still sparse. It is important to understand the factors that might affected the caregivers form providing the good care for Epilepsy patients. The objective of this study is to identify factors that have affected the caregivers who provide the care for patients who diagnosed with epilepsy. Many international studies have shown a lack of awareness of epilepsy among the general population and even among health care professionals. There is little or no study in Saudi Arabia to discuss this issue.


To identify the factors that affected the caregivers who provide the care for patients who diagnosed with epilepsy clients.


· To improve the quality of care provided to the patients with epilepsy.

· To enhance the good caregiver’s roles in taking care for the epilepsy patients.

· To ensure that caregivers follow the good intervention and roles to overcome the factors.


· What are the factors that affected the caregivers who provide care for epilepsy patients?

· What are the caregivers’ methods to deal with the factors affected their ability to provide the epilepsy care?

· What are the caregivers’ roles in providing the care for epilepsy patients?


Design: The student will use the researcher to deal with the research questions in general quantitative design non-descriptive and heritage, the quantitative approach is to work in the research in the collection of data in each digit and analysis using statistics explaining a particular phenomenon. By Jeff (2008) has been defined quantitative research “the systematic experimental investigation of phenomena that can be observed through statistical, mathematical or mathematical methods” .Therefore, To use the main methods on mathematics, the researcher student will be collect the data in a digital format, while researchers may face some phenomena amount in a fundamental way but using research tools designed to output data in quantitative form that can be analyzed statistically. Many of the advantages that characterize the quantitative method as well as defects, one of the advantages is considered a good way to test the result that comes from the A series of qualitative exams will also help the researcher answer the question. Quantitative methods have the advantages of prominence and can also have disadvantages. An example this, quantitative design is used to determine the result by denying or proving the data given without taking the area of ​​certainty. It is very difficult for the researcher to give a specific result in anthropology or research associated with humans as a result of the complexity of human nature, so there is a need for extensive statistical analysis in the quantitative study, whereas most Scientists are not statisticians would be difficult to understand in mathematics as a study is a statistical form (Mackey and Gass 2016). However, the student researcher can use there are a large number of specified research designs, each of them is under the four main types of quantitative research: interrelated, surveying, empirical and comparative. By the student researcher, a coherent design will be chosen to enhance the good caregiver’s roles in taking care for the epilepsy patients. Denis and Shirley (2010) reported that the correlation study is being conducted in the second phase of the development of the evidence base process. Despite this, the main purpose of the research is to design a correlation between the researcher and the researcher to make a study and (to explain the relationship between the facts that affect the care of the patient who is diagnosed with epilepsy), while Porter and Carter(2000) said that the study of interrelated research is beyond the simple description is behind the search for the relationship that was Affect two or more changes through care. Daniel (2011) describes an important reason for using quantitative research is to eliminate bias. In addition to filtering external factors if the design of the research was well will provide effective results. Setting: Setting defined by (WHO) “Setup is where people use the environment and make it active so, it is also where people create or solve health problems. Settings can usually be defined as having physical borders, a group of people with specific roles, and an organizational structure. Examples of settings include schools, workplaces, hospitals, villages, and cities”. In this study will be done in King Fahad Medical City is located in the center of the city’s capital city and is one of the most important and largest medical cities in the Middle East. It is equipped with the latest and best medical equipment for patient services. It has a capacity of over 1095 beds. The city has four hospitals that treat more than 650,000 patients. Between the visitor and resident, and the city hospitals provide all the necessary care for patients in addition to the services provided by the outpatient clinics. The sections of the National Center for Neuroscience include many Department of Neurology – Children, Neuropsychology, Mental Health, Psychology, Psychiatry, Spine Surgery, Neurosurgery – Senior, Neurosurgery – Children, brain and nerves and critical care of nerves. Sampling and population:

Population has the opportunity to choose by random selection. In addition, there are four types of samples that can be used to include random samples, random samples, and stratified layers. The researcher will draw up a plan using the random sample called the cornerstone of probability theory, which is suitable for quantitative design. On the basis of Johnson and Christon )2014(they identified a simple random sample. Is a basic form of sampling ” “A sample is drawn by an action that every individual has an equal opportunity to choose.” Targeted beneficiaries will be selected from the nursing staff, including officials, while caring for patients diagnosed with epilepsy. The researcher will collect samples from the Neurology Unit for Adults, the Pediatric Neurology Unit, the Neuropsychiatric Unit, Mental Health, Psychiatry, Neurosurgery – Senior, Neurosurgery – Children, Neurosurgery and Critical Care for Neurosurgery while the total number will be 100. This figure Depends on research an indication of the quantitative approach is that requires using a large sample to circulate results as pointed from Creswell (2013) that is sample size must be large enough to make sure that the result indicated is accurate that the participants number must be Start with 50 participants and above. The including criteria: the development of the inclusion criteria for the participants in the study that the nurses have experience in the Department of Neurology at least two years and above at least between the ages of 27 and 40 in addition to admission to their participation in the study.

The exclusion criteria

In addition, the exclusion criteria are other caregivers’ nurses who do not have knowledge of nerve units such as internists and nurses who do not want to participate. As well participant refuses to share in my study in addition, a sample of the researcher will be collected within three months to four months. Accordingly, the study size of 10 to 20 per cent is the reasonable number of completion of the study so it will be taken 10 percent to be a pilot study as a moral consideration by excluding it from the total number as a whole. Simon (2011) has stated that the size of 10 to 20 percent of the participants is the number of reserved reasonable empirical study. Ten participants will therefore take a pilot study. The people will be collected my research and assess of nurses and care giver as says the confidence rate 90 percent and the sample 50 present by Creswell (2013).

Data collection:

The data collection will be done by the researcher use a regulator but anonymous survey. An explanation of this is that the questionnaire in the quantitative approach is the most common method of collecting and recording the initial evidence. Questioner is defined as “a tool that contains a set of questions and requirements for collecting information from the participants involved in a systematic and anonymous division, Neelankavil (2015). However, usually with quantitative design, we can easily turn organized questionnaires, which provide closed questions with a restricted options system to quantitative data. Pema so that the researcher can use the questionnaire in many different ways. For example, an interview is written, by phone, by mail or face to face by Mangal (2013). The researcher will be used for self-development on the basis of ancient literature and talk with the need to be a questionnaire taken into account by a team with experience. In addition, a pilot study will be conducted to develop the questionnaire. While the researcher will employ the global language that is English in the questionnaire. In addition to social background taking into consideration, social class, ethnicity, and educational level of participants. The questionnaire continues socio-demographic data and role of care giver.

– socio-demographic:

This section contains four closed questions from participants where they will be questions to determine gender, age, nationality and years of experience.

-role of care giver:

this part had open questions about care for relative’s patients and needs. The questionnaire Is one of the cheap and fast methods so it’s an effective researcher able to get a large quantity of how many parameters the population has to achieve research goals.

Validity and reliability:

In research there is a need for credibility and reliability as it is considered a fundamental thing, that the validity of this questionnaire is intended to measure it as described by Elias (2014). In the event of failure of the validity of the tool and reliability will be questioned and refused to search and a tool for accuracy and evaluation, which works in the collection of evidence and to analyze them called validation. Therefore, the researcher needs to apply the test to the validity of the reliability to be determined if the research tool to measure the actual and accurate and consistent, so the validity in the quantitative methods are usually linked to the ability to predict and objectivity and generalization and control and reusability and the ability to control and experimental data

The study is usually based on the generalization of the population, in addition to the fact that external validity contains three types of generalization, environmental, temporal and population based on the power of research, but the researcher can improve the external validity of two ways. First, sampling the sample work plot sample number to make a large representative sample of the population. The second approach, a semi-similar model. Therefore, external health can allow the researcher to circulate the results of his students’ research. While internal authority is an important quantitative measure to ensure the design of the researcher in close association with variables and tools. Furthermore, the other type which is the basis of the research is the validity of its construction, which helps the researcher to determine the accuracy and operational definition that changes the correct meaning. While when it comes to the probabilities of this research consist of three types of reliability, equivalence, stability, reliability and internal consistency (Bollett and Beck, 2012). So from that the pilot study to improve the tools.

Pilot study: Thabane (2010) identified the pilot study as “a small test of some of the methods and procedures that will be widely used” to assess the planned approach to be used in a broad study. Of the researcher will take ten percent of the sample as a moral consideration excluded from the full number above. According to Simon (2011), the reasonable rate of sampling is 10 to 20 percent. Experimental study helps the researcher in evaluating the cost and time forecasting the appropriate sample size and method of research until the questionnaire and data collection is improved mentioned by Chu. et .al (2010).

Data analysis:

Data analysis is defined as “a systematic approach that converts data collected in digital form to facilitate understanding”. The researcher must have knowledge of the type of data According to Hendricks (2011) until the appropriate type is determined it can be grouped into 4 groups as following the nominal and category that the sexual and ordinal gender profiles contain a logical order and the relation and the separator. Such as character sizes (Berman, 2012). As stated by Stein and Roberts (2011) The researcher will be using one of the descriptive, statistical methods to enable the researcher to analyze and describe the characteristics of the quantitative data in an easy format absorbed. The researcher can calculate the average by arranging an expected life from below. The statistician can draw conclusions but gives the researcher the ability to describe and display meaningful data (Wetcher-Hendricks, 2011). On the other hand, six analysis of metadata data by the researcher is used to extract forms of population investigation data. Larson Hall (2016) they are proved that the survey statistics consist of several types. In addition, the researcher will use the parameters for statistical tests, for example regression analysis, ANOVA, T test. In addition, the data analysis will perform a statistical program for the social and scientific program. This is a guide from Crowther and Lancaster (2012). The most widely used quantitative analysis tool is SPSS. However, the student researcher will use the two questions in the last three part of the question which is of questioners.

Ethical consideration: It is clear from the literature that it is believed that ethical considerations are One of the most important parts on the researcher’s followers must be take approved of the King Fahd Specialist Hospital and the Institutional Research Council prior to completion of the research proposal. As Sarah (2014) and John and Laura (2012) have indicated, the researcher must obtain the approval of the Institutional Research Council prior to the commencement of the study The student researcher must ensure that they are already willing to participate, that the researcher must be a forerunner of choice especially if the potential participants are weak. These observations are Cottrell and McKenzie (2011). also note that by Ramli (2010) the participant has the full right to report to participate in the studies so he has the right not to participate at any time after the participation. Furthermore, the researcher’s request will provide a neutral and safe environment so that decrease any damage and any inconvenience is avoided. In addition to he should not subdue the participant for any harm physically or even emotionally represent that of human rights is also the right to take the safe voluntary participation stated by Oliver (2010) also Sarah (2014), the researcher provides written approval, after obtaining approval, the student will show participants the benefits they can get from the study. A newsletter containing all the necessary information will be given to assist the participant in deciding whether or not to participate. In addition, that the researcher should obtain the participant’s priority approval and emphasized an importance of providing the participant with Prior approval and a booklet to several reasons: for inform him of The purpose of the procedures and work of the study and the possibilities of risk, effort and time, Confidentiality and privacy, and contact the researcher to find out the outcome of the study (2008)). In general, the researcher will maintain. As a moral consideration of respect, dignity and confidentiality by non-disclosure and the rights of other participants

. Procedure of the main study:

The study will be hold in the one year in addition to two weeks of the estimated time. The researcher will take his approval from King Fahd Hospital as well as from the Saudi Research Council or the international period of three to four weeks. The study will be conducted from the beginning of April 2019 until mid-April in 2020. before the distribution of questionnaires will take the written consent of the nurse nurses and sport them with a give information bulletin. Furthermore, to giving the questionnaire in a lecture hall and meetings in the hospital. The researcher will give the survey participants about half an hour with the presence of the researcher. The questionnaire will be filled in to clarify any question that has not been understood and supported. After that the researcher will be collected directly on the same day without the intervention of one while maintaining the ethics during the paper collection. A sample will be collected for each experimental study to improve performance in the collection of questionnaire and data. Experimental study improves and enhances research as described by Thabane et al (2010). The time will be estimated as follows Review literature will take about three to four weeks. While it will take three approval weeks almost, moreover the work of the study of experimental works to improve the design of the search for a period of one month and a half will be held. Moreover, Sample collection and data takes 3 to 4 months. During that, the researcher will go three times a week to nerves departments on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in afternoon. I will take two and a half hours in the lecture and meeting hall where the student researcher Nurses will be provided with an information brochure with their consent through a written approval form. Each participant will be given about half an hour to complete the questionnaire. So, I will cover five participants during that time I have to maintain an appropriate quiet environment. Participants The questionnaire will fill in the presence of the student to clarify any unclear paragraph. In addition, the person who handed out the questionnaires and collected the student’s research, must be preserved ethical. The consultants will be explained in a brochure explaining the details of the study in an effective manner and answering queries with confidentiality. Therefore, the cost will

be 4915 thousand riyals. Expected outcomes:

The important factors in care for epilepsy patients are important issues to be considered by health care managers and nursing managers, as well as the family with a patient who diagnoses epilepsy in terms of quality of care and patient safety, because knowing the role of the caregiver is directly related to patient safety and quality outcomes. This study will identify and improve the role of care in order to confirm the availability of intervention and the role of factors to improve patient care.

Time Scale

The mission The expected time
Write the Literature review (2) Weeks
Conducting Pilot study (1) Month
Take a Study approval (3-4) Weeks
The Data collection (2-3) Months
Analysis the data (3-4) Months
Writing the Result (2) Months
Reviewing (1) Month
participants (1) Month
The Total 12 months and 2 weeks

The total estimated time for completion of this research project and work on publication is one year with two weeks divided as follows from three to four weeks to choose the hospital and the Board of Audit also 4 weeks to conduct the pilot study until the research is improved Data collection takes two to three months while analyzed Within three months the result will be two months.

The Budget

The Materials The Expected of cost
copying paper 400SR
Internet 650SR
Papers and. pens 65SR
Cost of transportation 2000SR
The Analysis 300SR
The Laptop 1500SR

The above elements are very important for the study. The first researcher will need a hundred copies until the questionnaire is printed. Also, the questionnaire and forms of approval for the nurses will be added. In addition, this work will cost only four hundred riyals. The second thing when accessing the Internet, the researcher needs to contact the officials of the hospitals to get the approval. Access to Internet is also important during the design process. Therefore, the student needs to communicate with the hospital to obtain any updates and advertising. In addition to communicating to the researcher by e-mail needs Internet, which is estimated at six hundred and fifty Third thing researcher also needs pens so that participants can fill out the questionnaire in addition to the papers to fill in the information and estimated cost sixty five, the researcher needs to go to where you will be studying and sampling which is the hospital in a week three in times, which costs the researcher the student to two thousand riyals. The last thing that needs to be in Kuwait is a thousand riyals and five hundred riyals and the total amount is estimated at Four thousand and nine hundred and fifteen.


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Appendix 1


Please indicate your response for each question.

Part one:

Socio-demographic Data

1. Your gender:

Male Female

2. Indicate your age group:

2 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40 – 45 more than 45

3. Which of the following national categories do you identify with?

Indian Saudi Jordanian Egyptian Philippine Multinational


4. How many years of experience do you have as a registered nurse?

Less than two years 3-6 years More than six years

Part two:

Adopted from (

Caregiver Self-Assessment Questionnaire How are you?

Caregivers are often so concerned with caring for their relative’s needs that they lose sight of their own wellbeing. Please take just a moment to answer the following questions. Once you have answered the questions, turn the page to do a self-evaluation.

During the past week or so, I have…

1. Had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing ……………….❑Yes ❑No

2. Felt that I couldn’t leave my relative alone…………………………..❑Yes ❑No

3. Had difficulty making decisions ……………………………….❑Yes ❑No

4. Felt completely overwhelmed…….❑Yes ❑No

5. Felt useful and needed ……………❑Yes ❑No

6. Felt lonely ……………………………..❑Yes ❑No

7. Been upset that my relative has changed so much from his/her former self………………………………❑Yes ❑No

8. Felt a loss of privacy and/or personal time …………………………❑Yes ❑No

9. Been edgy or irritable ………………❑Yes ❑No

10.Had sleep disturbed because of caring for my relative …………..❑Yes ❑No

11.Had a crying spell(s) ……………….❑Yes ❑No

12.Felt strained between work and family responsibilities…………❑Yes ❑No

13.Had back pain………………………..❑Yes ❑No

14.Felt ill (headaches, stomach problems or common cold) ………….❑Yes ❑No

15.Been satisfied with the support my family has given me …………..❑Yes ❑No

16.Found my relative’s living situation to be inconvenient or a barrier to care ………………………………….❑Yes ❑No

17.On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “not stressful” to 10 being “extremely stressful,” please rate your current level of stress. _______

18.On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “very healthy” to 10 being “very ill,” please rate your current health compared to what it was this time last year. _______

Comments: (Please feel free to comment or provide feedback) ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ____________________________

Appendix 2:

Participants information leaflet

• You will be given a copy of this information sheet

Factors Affecting the Role of Care Giver among the Epilepsy Patients

We would like to invite you to participate in this original research project. You should only participate if you want to; choosing not to take part will not disadvantage you in any way. Before you decide whether you want to take a part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what your participation will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Remember to ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Our aim of this study

Our purpose of this study is to identify the factors that affected the caregivers who provide the care for patients who diagnosed with epilepsy clients.

Our aim of this study

Our purpose of this study is to identify the impact of nurse’s long shift hours on patient’s safety and outcomes among critical care patients in Saad Specialist Hospital.

Who have we asked to participate?

We have invited 100 nurses from Neurology Unit areas to participate in this study. From different area such as the Neurology Unit for Adults, the Pediatric Neurology Unit, the Neuropsychiatric Unit, Mental Health, Psychiatry, Neurosurgery – Senior, Neurosurgery – Children, Neurosurgery and Critical Care for Neurosurgery while care units, who has f experience in the intensive care of neurology .

Male and female nurses, age between 27 and 40. Saudi and non-Saudi nurses. Finally, the participants should be willing to participate in the research project. Who should we exclude?

Unfortunately, we must ask you to not participate if you are a

are other caregivers’ nurses who do not have knowledge of nerve units such as internists and nurses who do not want to participate.

Do you have to take part? It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part in the study. We will describe the study and go through this information leaflet, which you should keep. We will then ask you to sign a consent form to show you have agreed to take part. You are free to withdraw at any time, without giving a reason. If you decide not to take part, this will not affect you in any way.

When and where will the study take place?

The study will take place at the King Fahd Medical City Auditorium from Monday afternoon to Tuesday and Wednesday of the week. What will happen to you if you take part?

You will first take part in an interview with the researcher to find out if you are eligible for the study. If you are eligible and agree to participate, the researcher will give you a questionnaire to fill out 30 minutes. And the researcher will be available near to you whenever you need him, I can support you. However, you will be asked to answer two parts of a questionnaire. The first part will be about the socio-demographic data. While, the second part will be focused on role of care giver.

What are the disadvantages or risks of participation?

For this research study, the main drawbacks are that you will be asked to give up some of your time, and you will be asked questions to learn about the impact of factors on the nurses and caregiver on the epileptic patient. Some people may find these questions annoying. You do not need to answer any question if you do not want to answer.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?

You may find that your discussions with the researchers provide both support and some new, useful information. At the conclusion of the project, we will send you a newsletter describing the major finding and alerting you to any research publications we have generated from the project Your participation in this research project is considered to be as a volunteer and you will not receive any payment.

Will your part in this study be kept confidential?

If you consent to take part in this study, your personal details and your responses to the questionnaire and the interview will remain strictly confidential at all times. You will be allocated a study number, which will be used as a code to identify you on all electronic documents. Your personal details and responses will be held separately on password protected computers, in accordance with the 1998 Data Protection Act. Your name and contact details will not be passed to anyone other than members of the research team or the Research Sponsor. After the research ends, the folder containing all personal and contact details will be deleted.

What will happen to the results of this research project? The main results of this research will be sent to participants, if requested, after it finishes and will usually be published in a medical journal or be presented at a scientific conference. All the data will be anonymous and none of the patients involved in the study will be identified in any report or publication.

How is organizing and funding the research?

This study is being organized and funded by king Fahad Hospital and the student researcher will be responsible about the future findings of this study. Further information

You are encouraged to ask any questions you wish, before, during or after your participation. If you have any questions about the study, please speak to your study researcher, who will be able to provide you with up to date information. If this study has harmed you in any way or you are unhappy of your participation you can contact Saad Nursing College using the details below for farther help and information:

Student researcher:

Mobile number:

Email address:

Appendix 3:

Consent Form for Participation in the Research Study Entitled

Factors Affecting the Role of Care Giver among the Epilepsy Patients

We would like to invite you to participate in this original research project. You should only participate if you want to; choosing not to take part will not disadvantage you in any way.

What is the study about?

You are invited to participate in a research study. The goal of this study is to identify the impact of caregiver patients with epilepsy.

Who have we asked to participate?

We have invited 100 nurses from nerves unit’s areas to participate in this study. who has and more of experience in the nerves setting. age between 27 and 40. Saudi and non-Saudi nurses. Finally, the participants should be willing to participate in the research project. What will I be doing if I agree to be in the study?

You will answer 18 questions in a questionnaire. The questionnaire should take you no more than 30 minutes to complete. And the researcher will be available near to you whenever you need him, he can support you. However, you will be asked to answer two parts of a questionnaire. The first part will be about the socio-demographic data. While, the second part will be focused on the role of care giver.

What are the possible disadvantages or risks of taking part?

For this research study, the main disadvantages are that you will be asked to give up some of your time and you will be asked questions to find out the impact of the care giver. Some people may find these questions upsetting. You do not need to answer any question if you do not want to answer. What are the possible benefits of taking part?

You may find that your discussions with the researchers provide both support and some new, useful information. At the conclusion of the project, we will send you a newsletter describing the major finding and alerting you to any research publications we have generated from the project Your participation in this research project is considered to be as a volunteer and you will not receive any payment

What if I do not want to participate or I want to leave the study?

You have the right to leave this study at any time or refuse to participate. If you do decide to leave or you decide not to participate, you will not experience any penalty or loss of services you have a right to receive. If you choose to withdraw, any information collected about you before the date you leave the study will be kept in the research records and may be used as a part of the research.

Will your part in this study be kept confidential?

If you consent to take part in this study, your personal details and your responses to the questionnaire and the interview will remain strictly confidential at all times. You will be allocated a study number, which will be used as a code to identify you on all electronic documents. Your personal details and responses will be held separately on password protected computers, in accordance with the 1998 Data Protection Act. Your name and contact details

will not be passed to anyone other than members of the research team or the Research Sponsor. After the research ends, the folder containing all personal and contact details will be deleted

Voluntary Consent by Participant:

By signing below, you indicate that

• This study has been explained to you • You have read this document or it has been read to you • Your questions about this research study have been answered • You have been told that you may ask the researchers any study related questions in the future or contact them in the event of a research-related injury • You understand that your participation is voluntary and that you are free to withdraw at any time without giving any reason. • You understand that the information collected about you will be used to support other research in the future, and maybe shared anonymously with other researchers. • You are entitled to a copy of this form after you have read and signed it • You voluntarily agree to participate in the study entitled Factors affecting the Role of Care Giver among the Epilepsy Patients.

I agree to take part in the above study

Participant’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: ________________ Participant’s Name: ______________________________ Date: ________________ Signature of Person Obtaining Consent: _____________________________ Date: ___________________________