
Describe the psychological effects of violence that the children from Nigeria might be experiencing?

Homework Question

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Cultural Considerations
As a mental health worker in a large city, you have been asked to work with refugee children who have been relocated from central Nigeria to live with foster families in your city. The children are between the ages of 9 and 13, boys and girls. They were rescued from a refugee camp in Nigeria where conditions were very poor. People were cramped and slept in rudimentary shelters. Food was scarce, and disease was rampant. Prior to arriving in the camp, the children were exposed to brutal violence. They saw their families murdered, houses burned, and witnessed or experienced sexual assault. Some were also injured in the attacks on their villages.
Utilize the Culturegrams database in the Argosy Online library, the Ethics and Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2010), and your readings to write a paper addressing the following:

  • Describe the psychological effects of violence that the children from Nigeria might be experiencing? Be sure to consider issues such as gender and age.
  • Design an intervention program to address the children’s exposure to violence. Remember to consider individual, family, and community needs.
  • Describe the elements you would incorporate into a prevention program designed to foster resilience in the children from Nigeria, as well as break the cycle of violence that we learned can occur for children exposed to violence. You may research existing programs that utilize best practices as we have learned in this course, or design your own program.
  • Reflect on the debate between “cultural universality” and “cultural specificity”. How would you reconcile this debate within the context of the ethics code for psychologists?
  • Discuss why it is important to take into consideration cultural traditions when designing an intervention program. Describe at least two specific Nigerian cultural traditions and how you would use this knowledge in designing your intervention program.
  • Briefly describe at least 2 ethical considerations that one would need to take into account when intervening with children as victims of violence in general, as well as pertaining to cultural issues specifically

By Week 5, Day 5, format your paper in APA style, using research gathered from the sources above (i.e., module readings, Culturegrams, and the ethics code) to support your response. Your paper should be between 4 and 5 pages in length and include a cover page, abstract, and reference list.Submit your assignment to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox.

What brain functions and neuroscience most interest you and why?


Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 1 in the text and review the required websites for the week including the NeuroJobs Career Center.In your initial post, discuss a potential career path that interests you in an area of neuroscience and share your answers to the following questions with your classmates:

  • Why does this career path or position interest you?
  • What brain functions and neuroscience most interest you and why? Select one or more from the following list:
    • Neurobiological theories that explain dysfunctions in vision, language, memory, emotion, and behavior networks
    • Receptor and neurotransmitter theory in relation to behavior
    • Laboratory studies of brain chemicals or structural abnormalities
    • Disorders of language or visuospatial functioning
    • Disorders of memory
    • Disorders of development (e.g., attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
    • Disorders of aging (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia)
  • What academic training is required?
  • Are there additional requirements (clinical practicum, research background)?
  • What types of employment opportunities are available in this area?

How would you define cultural competency?

Developing diverse knowledge about other populations helps improve cultural competency. This competency can be developed through independent reading, attendance at relevant seminars, or supervision from professionals in the field with appropriate backgrounds. Cultural competency is important to the assessment process.
Review the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics at the following:

  • American Counseling Association. (2005). ACA code of ethics. Retrieved from

Respond to the following:

  • How would you define cultural competency?
  • Why is cultural competency important for substance abuse counselors?
  • How would you acquire this skill?
  • Which ACA ethics codes discuss cultural competency, and what measures should counselors take to prevent ethical code violations in these areas?

Support your responses using your module readings and authoritative resources. Incorporate theory and factual information in your response.
Write your initial response in 2–3 paragraphs. Apply APA standards to citation of sources

Explain any psychological theoretical perspectives presented in the article and how they either support or refute the information provided in the review article

week 4 assignmemt

Annotated Bibliography for the Article Review Final Paper
This week, you will research and create an annotated bibliography of five peer-reviewed articles that were published within the last 10 years and relate to the article you selected in Week Two for your Article Review. The peer-reviewed articles you select should be researched in the Ashford University Library and represent a variety of viewpoints on the subject matter. They may support or refute the information presented in your chosen article for review. Each of the peer-reviewed articles must include a complete reference that is correctly formatted in APA style as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center and an annotation of five to six well-developed sentences in your own words that summarize the source and describe its applicability to your selected topic. Please note that no sections from the abstracts of the articles should be included in your annotation. In your annotation for each peer-reviewed article, analyze psychology as a science as it is presented in the article and explain how it relates to this particular topic. Assess the professional roles presented in the article and describe how they relate to the roles as presented in the article you have chosen for review.
Explain any psychological theoretical perspectives presented in the article and how they either support or refute the information provided in the review article. Evaluate contemporary applications of psychology as they are described in the article and compare these to the descriptions within the article for review. For more in-depth assistance with your annotated bibliography, please visit the Ashford Writing Center located under the Learning Resources tab in the left-hand navigation panel of your online course.