
Identify and describe the four main characteristics present in most substance use disorders.

Each questions must be answered in details and must be more than 3 paragraph. 1) Identify and describe the four main characteristics present in most substance use disorders. 2) Imagine you are a the

Each questions must be answered in details and must be more than 3 paragraph.
1) Identify and describe the four main characteristics present in most substance use disorders.
2) Imagine you are a therapist and you are treating a patient with a borderline personality disorder.  Describe the person’s behaviors and problems, which must reflect borderline features/symptoms.  Explain what treatment approach(s) you will use.
3) You are treating a child with ADHD.  First define and explain what attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is.  Create a case brief case study of a 4th grader who is having problems in school.  Describe symptoms and features of ADHD and explain what treatment(s) approach you will use to treat your client.
4) All practitioners in the mental health profession are bound by ethical standards when treating patients.  Imagine you are a therapist and you are seeing a patient who has disclosed many personal information.  Create a case study to illustrate how you will apply ethical principles such as confidentiality, record keeping, therapist-client boundaries, Bill of rights, rights to treatment, consent to treatment, termination of therapy and etc.

how to select evidence-based treatments

As a counselor, you will be making decisions on how to select evidence-based treatments. In your essay, demonstrate the decision-making process that you will use to choose one evidence-based treatme

As a counselor, you will be making decisions on how to select evidence-based treatments. In your essay, demonstrate the decision-making process that you will use to choose one evidence-based treatment over another. Write a 1,000-1,250-word reflection essay on how to effectively utilize research in order to guide decision-making processes in the counseling profession. Include the following in your essay:

  1. A discussion about how qualitative and quantitative research reports guide the decision-making process.
  2. A discussion about the key characteristics of effective writing and publication in counseling and psychological research. How do these characteristics guide the decision-making processes?
  3. Select a diagnosis and include an example of how research could assist in treatment.
  4. Include a minimum of three scholarly resources in addition to the course textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency: 4.2: Utilize research to guide decision-making processes.
This benchmark assignment meets the following CACREP Standard: 2.F.8.f. Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed research methods.

What is scientific misconduct?

Ethics in ResearchIn this assignment, you will analyze the legal aspects to consider in research and the cost and benefits of making ethical choices. Using the Internet, research the following:Unethic

Ethics in Research
In this assignment, you will analyze the legal aspects to consider in research and the cost and benefits of making ethical choices.
Using the Internet, research the following:

  • Unethical aspects of research
  • Legal aspects of research

In 1972, Jean Heller reported the unethical features of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, a forty-year project in Macon County, Alabama in 1932. The Government promised four hundred poor men cost-free treatment for bad blood which was epidemic at that time. The treatment was not given nor did these men receive standard treatment for syphilis even though penicillin was available. They were not informed about the research design and its risks to them.
This study represents medical misconduct and disregard for human rights that take place in the name of science. The government physicians published their reports of the study in medical journals. They used subjects who could not protect themselves. The government doctors did not get informed consent from them. Over one hundred of them died and others suffered from serious syphilis-related conditions. A civil suit was filed against the doctors but the case never came to trial. Each participant received $ 37,500 in damages and the heirs of the dead were given $15,000.
Most unethical choices by researchers are not easily identifiable or even easily definable by law as illegal. However, these behaviors remain unscrupulous and unacceptable by many standards of social research.
Based on the scenario and your research and readings, answer the following questions:

  • How is it possible that some actions are unethical, but remain legal?
  • What is scientific misconduct? What happens if you are unethical in your research?
  • What type of ethical decisions must researchers make when conducting experiments?
  • What are the costs and benefits of making ethical choices in research? Explain.

Submission Details:

  • Cite all soruces in APA format.
  • Attach a Report.

Considering Cultural Differences during Research

Considering Cultural Differences during ResearchLinguistic, cultural, and ethnic differences are important considerations when conducting a scientific investigation, particularly because the beliefs a

Considering Cultural Differences during Research
Linguistic, cultural, and ethnic differences are important considerations when conducting a scientific investigation, particularly because the beliefs and customs of the subject may differ from those of the researcher.
In this week’s assignment, you will research and analyze how these differences could impact research.
Complete the following tasks in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document:

  •  Select a geographic location to conduct your research. Consider some of the racial, religious, and ethnic populations in or near the location.
  • Select one population segment and find a research article relating to each of the following topics:
    • What are some of the identifying customs of this population?
    • Historically, has this population been involved in other research? Explain.
    • Is there evidence that this population was treated unethically in scientific research? Explain.
  • Answer the following questions:
    • How are their traditions, language, and beliefs similar or different from yours?
    • How do you plan to bridge any differences?

Submission Details:

  •  Support your responses with relevant examples.
  •  Cite and reference all sources in APA format.
  • Attach a Report.