Why do you think Women’s Studies have ‘women” as the subject of study?

Paper instructions:
Part A:
Directions: Answer the questions in all 3 Sections. Please make sure to answer each question completely.
Answer ONLY 3 questions in this section. Use examples from discussion forums, reading journals, readings and viewings. (5 points each)
1a. Why do you think Women’s Studies have ‘women” as the subject of study?
1b. What is the meaning of Heteronormativity?
1c. Where is Malala Yousafzai from and what is she famous for?
1d. How do transgender identities disrupt fixed notions of sex and gender?
1e. What did women of color say was wrong with the first wave feminism that they wanted addressed during the second wave?
SECTION 2: Using the main texts (Full Frontal Feminism and Two or three things I know for sure), the required exemplars, and discussion/reading journal learning, answer ONLY TWO of the following questions. (10 points each)
2a. “…you cannot afford to think of being here to RECEIVE an education; you will do much better to think of yourself as being here to CLAIM one” (Adrienne Rich, 1979:23). Why was it necessary for women to “claim” an education?
2b. “The danger of a single story” (Chimamanda Adichie). Explain what Chimamanda highlighted in terms of difference and diversity. Include aspects of transnational feminism.
2c. “Two or three things I know for sure, and one is that I’d rather go naked than wear the coat the world has made for me” (Dorothy Allison) What do you think Dorothy Allison meant by this quote? How can you relate it to what we discussed, read, and written about this semester?
2d. “…people experience race, gender, class, and sexual identity differently depending on their social location in various structures of inequality and privilege” (Patricia Hill Collins, Towards a New Vision, 1993:60/1). Explain what you understand from this quotation within the context of intersectionality.
SECTION III: SHORT ESSAY (500-600 words): Answer ONLY ONE question (15 points)
(3a) How are power relations reflected and reinforced in beauty norms? Be sure to include issues of race, class, gender, etc.
(3b).Can violence against gendered bodies be classified as hate crimes? What role do hate crimes play in maintaining systems of inequality? Include at least two examples.
(3c). What is intersectionality and how is this concept helpful as a tool of feminist analysis?

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