Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: MDCM, Inc: Strategic IT Portfolio Management. During the meeting, there were many options made available to the IT department.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: MDCM, Inc: Strategic IT Portfolio Management. During the meeting, there were many options made available to the IT department. The IT department would implement new strategies in an effort to cut costs, and save the company money. McMullen has found blame for the companies loss of revenue in the previous five quarters of the IT department. McMullen hired Atkins to begin an assessment of the IT department and to help the company begin posting profits again as soon as possible. Atkins began his position with an internal audit of the IT department.

One of the options discussed in the meeting was to create a company email. Every personnel who needed to communicate would be given their own email address. With just one email address for everyone in the company, this will filter out possible important information being filtered to the junk folder by the recipient’s email provider. The company was going to overhaul the computer system within the organization. The company was going to update all computers throughout. Every computer would then operate with the same operating system. With computers operate with the same operating system the computer would be compatible with each other. Currently, there are computers with four types of operating systems. The computers are not compatible with each other. The internal audit has found that this is one reason many important messages are being missed within the company.

The company discussed that they would begin to use only one freight carrier throughout the organization. Currently, the company uses three freight carriers. This creates delays in the customers receiving their products. The company will also create a website. The website will allow customers to order products directly from the site with no need to contact a representative in the organization. The website will allow a customer to leave an email message, and to contact the company if necessary.

The company will implement new strategies for the different offices to effectively, and efficiently communicate with one another. The company will cut some of the labor force. The United States division of the company currently has the largest workforce.