write an article on End-of-Term Written.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on End-of-Term Written. It needs to be at least 750 words. Later on, with the turn of the century, white bands began to emerge and Jazz music has been evolving since its birth. In the book “A History of Jazz Music”, Scaruffi Piero credits New Orleans for becoming a hub for Jazz music and the pivot where musicians came to perform and earn. As it says, “New Orleans was a cosmopolitan amusement park. Thus music was always in demand, not just as paid entertainment but as the soundtrack of a never-ending party. In other cities ethnicity was a problem. In New Orleans ethnicity was an opportunity to improve the party, because each ethnic group brought its different style of partying (e.g., dances) to the party.” (Scaruffi, 2005) Stylistic Characteristic of Chick Corea The way he plays his electric keyboard especially on synthesizers is commendable and that is also one of the major reasons of his popularity. Also, Corea has been with countless bands and musicians, yet he has remained popular and his music, ever recognizable with the bass drums, blues, syncopation, improvisation and what not. He started playing piano from the age of four and had been influenced by Horace Silver and Bud Powell. As mentioned above, he collaborated with various artists in performing Jazz music and it says that he remained playing for 40 years with all these people. keeping in mind the fact, that he started his career in early 1960’s. With the turn of the 21st century, Corea began experimenting with solo albums and produced six solo albums namely, Solo Piano: Originals, Solo Piano: Standards, Past, Present & Futures, Rendezvous in New York, To the Stars and The Ultimate Adventure. It must be noted that Corea is not just a pianist but also a composer and that he had engaged in experimenting with Jazz music in collaboration with many other vocalists, drummers and guitarists to carve a niche for himself in this music genre. He is an award-winning icon who is best known for his “countless performances, recordings, tours and collaborations with some of the music’s most well-respected names. Having been a member in bands of legends like Miles Davis, Stan Getz, and countless others, Corea began developing what has become a remarkably illustrative career. As a member of these bands, Corea met many of his closest musical cohorts, of whom he would work closely with for years to come.” (Larson, 2013) Among other things, Corea is also known to be associated with Scientology, which has a major impact on his music and as he said in one of his interviews that he could communicate with millions of people while performing as he implied Scientology in his music. About “Return to Forever” Return to Forever was composed in 1972 but it was released in USA not before 1975 and therefore their second album, “Light as a Feather” which was released in 1973. made their first album really popular. Return to Forever is another fusion of Latin and Brazilian rhythms which is mixed with electro-piano notes. This album is very soft and comprises of romantic numbers which is very different than that of other Jazz music which was being produced at that time.