Frankenstein By Mary Shelley Letters

4/9/2021 Frankenstein Quiz #1: Letters 1-4, Chapters 1-10… 1/4

1. Listed below are characteristics of Gothicism, or characteristics of a Gothic novel. Explain how each is used in the novel. Give one example from the TEXT for each of the categories below, being as detailed as possible (8 pts.)

Frankenstein Quiz #1: Le�ers 1-4, Chapters 1-10 Please read the directions for each question below. ANY MATERIAL COPIED AND PASTED FROM AN OUTSIDE SOURCE WILL RESULT IN A ZERO FOR THE WHOLE QUIZ AND NO MAKEUP OPPORTUNITY WILLBE AVAILABLE.

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a. Atmosphere of Impending Danger *

Your answer

b. Medieval Setting *

Your answer

c. Supernatural Elements *

Your answer



4/9/2021 Frankenstein Quiz #1: Letters 1-4, Chapters 1-10… 2/4

2. Identify the speaker of the following quotes and when or to whom it was said, then write a sentence or two that explains the significance of the quote to the novel’s themes and symbols (in other words, identify the importance of the quote). Each of the quotes is worth 3 points, yielding a total of 12 points for this question:

d. Mysterious Characters *

Your answer

a. “They have acquired new and almost unlimited powers; they can command the thunders of heaven, mimic the earthquake, and even mock the invisible world with its own shadows.” *

Your answer

b. “Unhappy man! Do you share my madness? Have you drunk also the intoxicating draught?” *

Your answer

c. “What may not be expected in a country of eternal light?” *

Your answer



4/9/2021 Frankenstein Quiz #1: Letters 1-4, Chapters 1-10… 3/4

3. Consider the following characters. What are their functions in the story, be it in plot, characterization, narration, or otherwise? Note: Do not explain who they are, consider their function or purpose in the story itself.

d. “I was like the Arabian who had been buried with the dead and found a passage to life, aided by one glimmering and seeming ineffectual light.” *

Your answer

a. Elizabeth Lavenza *

Your answer

b. Henry Clerval *

Your answer

c. Justine Moritz *

Your answer

d. Robert Walton *

Your answer



4/9/2021 Frankenstein Quiz #1: Letters 1-4, Chapters 1-10… 4/4

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e. Caroline Beaufort (Victor’s mother) *

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