Analyse the nurse's role in promoting health and wellbeing for individuals, families and communities who have chronic conditions and /or complex care needs.

Assessment Task 1 Assessment name: Digital poster on health promotion Learning outcomes measured: 1. Analyse the nurse’s role in promoting health and wellbeing for individuals, families and communities who have chronic conditions and /or complex care needs. 2. Critically analyse individual, community, environmental and social factors that influence health beliefs and practices and strategies for promoting positive health behaviours. Length: 500 words Estimated time to complete task: 20 hours Weighting: 40% Individual/Group: Individual Formative/Summative: Formative and Summative How will I be assessed: 7 point grading scale using rubric for summative feedback. Due date: Week 8 – Friday 27th April, 2018 Submitted by 23:59 via Turnitin within your NSB303 Blackboard site.

3 Task Description First, choose a chronic condition from the list below – that your assignment will be based on (note that these have specific chapters in the prescribed textbook): • Chronic Heart Failure • Coronary Heart Disease • Depression • Stroke For the purpose of this assignment, you are the nurse educator for a nursing unit that specialises in the chronic illness you have chosen. You have been asked by your Nurse Unit Manager to prepare a poster that identifies and makes recommendations on available electronic health resources for both people with your chosen illness and health professionals who work in the field. Electronic resources may include but are not limited to websites or mobile apps. What you need to do: 1) Prepare an electronic poster using a single (1) PowerPoint that provides the following: o An overview of the disability/condition o An overview of the risk/protective factors for the condition o An overview of strategies for promoting health and wellness in people with the condition o Recommended electronic resources for health professionals and consumers (x 1 each) including details of how to access each resource o Reference list 2) Following completion of the poster, use the narration (or Insert Audio) function within PowerPoint to record a critique of each electronic resource listed on your poster. The critique should explain why it is recommended and consider: o Who is the most appropriate user of the resource (target population)? o Apparent benefits of and limitations to the resource? o What will the user gain from accessing the resource? Important: Ensure that the Audio Icon (speaker) is positioned in the Top Right Corner of your poster so that it can be located, and that it is visible, and functional/audible, otherwise marks cannot be given for the relevant criterion. Template and Video Guide: A Powerpoint poster template is provided in Blackboard, sized AO (84cm x 119cm), which is consistent with professional posters presented at nursing and other health professional conferences. A video demonstration is also provided with instructions to record and embed your audio narration.
4 Presentation Requirements Your poster should use the following headings: Overview of <insert chronic illness here> [50 words] Risk/protective factors [150 words] Strategies for promoting health and wellness [200 words] Recommended electronic resources [100 words] References [not included in word count] Your poster should be displayed in a fashion that is easy to read and be visually appealing. Include images related to the chronic condition and electronic resources you recommend. Use of images should not infringe on copyright, and the use of free (creative commons attribution) images is recommended. Examples of these can be searched within: Your poster should be presented in a scholarly fashion and conform to the following: You may have plus/minus 100 words of the designated word count, not including the reference list. The length of your narrative in PowerPoint should be adequate to cover the resources being critiqued, but no longer than five (5) minutes. Reference according to Vancouver (numbered) referencing only. Please refer to QUT Cite/Write for this referencing convention. Bullet points or numbered lists are only appropriate when listing the relevant available electronic resources for health professionals and patients with your nominated illness/disability. All other text should be written using conventional academic writing Submit your assignment to Turnitin by the due date/time, ensuring that you upload the original Powerpoint (.ppt) file. Assessment submitted after the due date without an approved extension will not be marked and will receive a grade of 1 or 0%. Please refer to the Faculty of Health ‘Late submission of assessment’ policy and the ‘Application for assessment/ assignment extension form’ located on the Blackboard site. Academic Integrity Reminder The School of Nursing takes academic integrity very seriously. All work submitted must be your own work, and the work of others must be correctly acknowledged and referenced accordingly. There are serious consequences that will be imposed should you be found to breach academic integrity. Make sure you are familiar with the MOPP C/5.3 Academic Integrity and view the Academic Integrity video and explore the Academic Case Studies available on your Blackboard site.