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Deliverable 7 Data Presentation and Data Fact Sheet

Deliverable 7 Data Presentation and Data Fact Sheet Assignment Content Competency Explain the use of data sets. Determine audience needs for effective data visualization. Compare various visualization tools. Evaluate the presentation of data using editorial thinking and communication. Translate quantitative and qualitative data into appropriate visualizations. Evaluate how visualizations are used to capture actionable insights […]

4230 mod 6 quest

  Chapter 10 Questions: 1) What are the characteristics of mentally disordered female offenders? 2) How and why do the mental health professionals and the custody staff differ in their views of mentally disordered offenders? 3) What are potential social sources of mental disorders? 4) What role does assessment play in this whole process of […]

4230 cj mod 5 db

  Open the two links regarding the Allen County Restoration Court project and the The Kelley House (if the links don’t open by double-clicking, highlight, copy, and past the web addresses into your browser). Should we seperate non-violent, dually diagnosed offenders from the “mainstream” criminal justice population and place them in programs like Restoration Court and The […]

MBA 504: Financial Management and Analysis

2. Read and summarize chapter 26 of your Financial Management text book in at least 400 words. -Explain the concept of “reducing funding costs.” – How important is credit when trying to obtain financing?  – Please complete questions #9,#10 and #12 of the chapter. An  alternative  to  the  issuance  of  a  corporate  bond,  a  corporationcan […]